Elemental Views Page
Duane K. McCullough

Lost Fountain Element Chart image


By Duane K. McCullough

The following views are based on many reference books that attempt to explain the working characteristics of several important elements. Beginning with Lithium and working through the Periodic Chart of the Elements, I make comments regarding how certain elements relate to human heath and my LOST FOUNTAIN book project.

The lightest of all elements, Hydrogen is a gas that has metallic and nonmetallic properties. Two atoms of Hydrogen, when bonded with one acidic atom of oxygen form a molecule of "fresh" water. Mineral water consist of freshwater in which other trace metallic elements are suspended among the atomic bond of Hydrogen and oxygen.

3. (Li) LITHIUM:
The lightest of all metallic elements, Lithium was once used in the 7-UP soft drink as an "upper" drug much like cocaine was once used in COKE-A-COLA. Used in small amounts as a anti-depressant, Lithium carbonate salts can apparently be helpful in restoring emotional balance to persons in need.
(STATEMENT: There exist a story about how a brother of Ernest Hemingway claimed to have discovered a spring near Bimini in the Bahamas that, when chemically tested, revealed traces of the element Lithium.)
(THEORY: Some have claimed that ship's compasses have gone "crazy" when traveling in or near the Bahamas. Perhaps Lithium salts leaking upward from several Bahamian springs and common waterspout events in the area have conspired to generate invisible high velocity columns of "moving metal" which could effect compasses into going "crazy".)

6. (C) CARBON:
A naturally abundant non-metallic element, Carbon is found in many inorganic and in all organic compounds. The oxidized shell of all exoskeleton animals like insects and crabs are made from a carbohydrate compound called Chitin. Carbon - together with Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen, is one of the four basic elements necessary for organic chemistry. These elements are referred to as the CHON series of elements. Most of the Florida Keys and much of the mainland of South Florida is made of the aragonite salt calcium-Carbonate.
(STATEMENT: About twenty years ago there was once an attempt to tax limestone companies who mine calcium-carbonate from public lands because the element of calcium is considered a metal - which, like oil, is considered a mineral by some scientist. Revenue from these public mineral taxes could have been used to help clean up and restore freshwater to the Everglades years ago - however, because Carbon is considered to be a nonmetallic organic element by "political" scientist, the tax attempt failed. Today limestone companies continue to dig unhealthy deep stagnant rock-pits throughout Florida without paying mineral rights to the State.)

A strong acidic elemental gas, Nitrogen is found in all proteins and in most of the air we breathe. Certain ammonia compounds containing large amounts of Nitrogen can be found near water bird rookeries in their droppings. Such sources provide nutrients to many plants - however, too much of this acidic compound will only feed a monocultural algae which can smother other forms of important marine life. Many believe that the nearby waters of the Florida Keys are suffering from Nitrogen nutrification runoff caused by human waste water from numerous leaking septic tanks and old cesspits.

8. (O) OXYGEN:
A gaseous acidic element commonly found in air with nitrogen and in water bonded to hydrogen, Oxygen is essential for plant and animal respiration. Bonded with iron in our blood, Oxygen helps supply acidic energy throughout our bodies. Since aging is a form of oxidation, too much diatomic Oxygen without hydrogen can lead to the excess oxidation of body cells and result in tissue damage. Metallic elements like manganese and platinum can resist the acidic union with Oxygen. Gold can not bond with Oxygen at all.

The most gaseous acidic element in the universe, the halogen of Fluorine is the most electronegative element known. High resolution glass lenses are made with Fluorine. When added to iron during manufacturing, Fluorine will allow the metal to be more flexible. When added to calcium in the bone during a proper diet, Fluorine can make bones more flexible and less likely to break under stress. Many cartilages in the body consist of fluorinated calcium.
(Fluorinated toothpaste containing calcium fluoride are more healthy than toothpaste containing sodium fluoride because of the supplemental and synergistic calcium found within.)

11. (Na) SODIUM:
A soft, light and malleable metallic element that reacts explosively with water, Sodium, together with acidic chlorine in seawater forms a sodium-chloride salt crystal called halite when evaporated. Sodium is a blood electrolyte and is responsible for making other blood minerals soluble. It maintains the acid-base balance in the body and is necessary in equalizing water metabolism. In blood serum, sodium-chloride is needed for the generation and conduction of electric currents.

A moderately hard metallic element, Magnesium, like sodium, can also explosively react with water. Use as an incendiary compound with other oxide salts, Magnesium burns very hot - even underwater. Found in certain mineral waters, epsomite crystals, otherwise known as epsom salts, contain highly hydrated magnesium-sulfate compounds which are used to heal and sterilize wounds if used properly.

13. (Al) ALUMINUM:
Half the weight of Iron, Aluminum is the most common metallic element within the Earth's crust - but found in very small concentrations in living plants and animals. A toxic metal, Aluminum is reputed to cause memory loss in people because it prevents the bioavailability of essential dietary phosphorus. Excess Aluminum in the body can come from many sources such as some antacid medicines, Aluminum cookware and underarm deodorants containing Aluminum salts.

14. (Si) SILICON:
A semi-conductive metalloid element found adjacent to the acidic elements of the Periodic Chart, Silicon accounts for about 28% of the mass of the Earth's crust. Silicon gives plants the ability to stand upright because of its atomic tubular structure when bonded to oxygen. Known for its cleansing capability within the body, silica, an oxide of Silicon, can dissolve toxic fluids from arthritic joints. Most all sea shells are made of silicate compounds which when crushed by waves along the sea shore create sandy beaches.

Related to nitrogen, Phosphorus is a waxy acidic element that can glow in the dark if electrochemically excited. Phosphorized fats constitute the solid matter of the brain. Together with calcium, Phosphorus forms bones and teeth and is an essential constituent of living tissue. Also found in sea-bird droppings because the skeletal phosphate within eaten fish are excreted. The consumption of sugar increases phosphorus levels in the body - however, calcium and magnesium are needed to balance excess Phosphorus in the body. The Phosphorus element functions as the body's major electrolytic anion - or negatively charged ion, while calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium act as major cations - or positive charged ions. The element of Phosphorus is essential to vertebrate nutrition and to the B-6 vitamin molecular formula.

16. (S) SULFUR:
Resembling oxygen chemically but is less active and more acidic, Sulfur is used in medicine for treating skin diseases. Found in blood and in all body tissue, acidic Sulfur is a constituent of protein which bonds cells together. A layer of water containing various levels of sulfurous acid can be found within the coral bedrock of the Florida Keys. Strange biological odors in nature are can be traced to sulfuric compounds.
(STATEMENT: There exist several types of tropical sponges, like the orange Fire Sponge, in the Florida Keys that contain sulfonic or nitric acid compounds which can create numbness upon contact.)

17. (Cl) CHLORINE:
Another acidic halogen with electronegative properties, Chlorine is a strong oxidizing element found in seawater, salt lakes, and evaporated deposits of halite crystals. The most common sea salt is sodium chloride. Bonded to metallic sodium within halite crystals, Chlorine can only be liberated by other strong oxidizing agents, such as manganese dioxide or certain potassium compounds. Chlorine is very toxic - however, in small amounts the element can be used as an antiseptic. Chlorine is an electrolyte and is necessary for the elimination of nitrogenous waste products within the body.
(STATEMENT 1: If the Florida Keys were surrounded by freshwater instead of chlorinated saltwater, nitrogenous waste water from human activity would linger longer in many man-made canals and boat basins which would cause greater harm to the marine environment than what currently exist. Dangerous pathogenetic organisms spread easily in freshwater, yet can be stopped in chlorinated water.)
(STATEMENT 2: Red mangrove trees - the only tree that lives suspended in mud and saltwater, expels toxic chlorine absorbed from seawater byway of constantly depositing the element into many of its older leaves which, in turn, are constantly falling off as sacrificial yellow leaves and dumping the acid - thus allowing the tree to make freshwater from saltwater and live in an acidic environment.)

The third member of the alkali base metals, Potassium, named from the ashes left from wood fires under cooking pots, when combined with water and carbonic animal fat made the first soap products used by humans. A naturally occurring radioactive isotope of Potassium is used in soap to disinfect areas infected by biological contaminants - that is to say, some soaps are mildly radioactive. Dietary Potassium helps balance intercellular fluid reactions and participates in the formation of glycogen from glucose in the liver.
(STATEMENT: Certain medicinal herbs high in calcium, iron, Potassium and selenium like garlic, onions and ginseng are capable of emitting ultraviolet radiation waves known as the Gurwitch rays which can stimulate and rejuvenate cell metabolism in the human body. This radioactive phenomenon is also referred to as the mitogenic radiation factor. The idea that certain foods can be mildly radioactive is a view not found in conventional dietary medicine.)

20. (Ca) CALCIUM:
The third most abundant element in the Earth's crust, Calcium is an electropositive metal that, when found bonded with carbon and oxygen in nature as calcium-carbonate rock, is used to help build hard concrete structures such as buildings and roadways. Bonded with phosphorus and oxygen, calcium phosphate is the chief constituent of animal bones and is used extensively in fertilizers. Excess Calcium in the diet can decrease zinc absorption. Dietary Calcium has been used to flush excess lead from bone. The coral bedrock of the Florida Keys and much of the mainland of South Florida is made of the aragonite salt calcium-Carbonate.

22. (Ti) TITANIUM:
Used in the aerospace industry as a strong and corrosive resistant element alloyed with steel, Titanium can be found in ores containing iron and oxygen. Titanium dioxide is used as a white pigment in paints. Many believe trace amounts of Titanium can help in skin disorders.

A hard and brittle polyvalent metallic element that is similar to iron but not magnetic like iron, Manganese is added to steel as a deoxidizer to make a very tough alloy resistant to rusting. Having the same molecular ionic radius as iron, the absorption of Manganese and iron is inversely related in the body. People who have memory problems have been known to be deficient in manganese. The element may help activate certain necessary neurotransmitter enzymes in the brain and reverse memory loss. Manganese also is used in the building and breakdown cycles of protein and nucleic acid - of which the latter is the carrier of genetic information. Important in the formation of the thyroxine hormone, Manganese, together with iodine is vital in maintaining normal rates of metabolic growth.
(STATEMENT: Mangrove trees contain manganese like other tropical hardwood trees contain iron - such as Buttonwood, which was once used to make hard durable buttons in clothing. Wood made from the tropical Lignum Vitae tree in the Florida Keys may also contain manganese and is so hard that American nuclear submarines use it as ball bearing material in mechanical devices because of the self lubricating properties within the wood. It also makes little or no sound during use - which is helpful in military use.)
(THEORY: There exist in nature rare phenomenal items known as "thunderbolts" in which heavy dark green stone objects, shaped like polished celts, could be the petrified product of when lighting strikes certain trees containing manganese - and because of the "electromagnetic precipitation" of manganese salts from within the tree during the strike, a nodular stone or "thunderbolt" can be found years later after the wood has rotted away. Such items are also known as "Carib Axes" and can be found in the Bahamas where natives place them at the base of wooden sailboats mast during construction in the belief that it will prevent lighting from striking the mast.)

26. (Fe) IRON:
A heavy malleable ductile metallic element with magnetic properties that oxidizes easily in moist air, Iron is the most used metal in technology and is vital to the biological process within nature. Used as a catalyst in the production of chlorophyll in most plants, Iron is essential in tissue respiration in animals by acting as a oxygen transport carrier in the blood. The rapid rusting or swelling of Iron in the blood pathways near external injuries helps clog or plug circulatory leaks. Excess consumption of phosphate in the diet results in less Iron absorbed. Toxic metals like lead, cadmium or copper also reduces Iron absorption in the body.

27. (Co) COBALT:
Related to iron and nickel, Cobalt is also a magnetic transitional metallic element used in industrial applications such as ceramics and in the production of vitreous enamels. Found with iron in the blood, Cobalt is a vital part of the B-12 vitamin molecule.

28. (Ni) NICKEL:
One of three transitional metallic elements believed to make up the core of the Earth, Nickel, when alloyed with 75% copper makes cupronickel - which is used in most US coins. Nickel and copper can be found in tobacco leaves at toxic levels. Adding Nickel to steel containing manganese and chromium in the right amounts produces stainless steel - a very durable industrial material used near corrosive marine environments. Some metabolical studies suggest Nickel and Zinc are used in the pancreas to help in the formation of insulin. Excess Nickel in the body can come from many sources such as tobacco smoke and Stainless steel cookware that cook acidic foods.

29. (Cu) COPPER:
One of the first metals used for tools and weapons, Copper is used in the electronic industry as wire material for conductivity. Copper sulfate is used as a fungicide and in bottom paint of boats to keep organic growth from taking place. Sea animals like the 250 million year-old horseshoe crab species uses Copper to carry oxygen instead of iron in its blood. Without some Copper present in the human body iron can not be absorbed properly. It also is capable of metallically conducting biochemical messages within the body. However, very little Copper is needed in the body because too much causes hyperactivity in children and numerous diseases associated with aging in adults. Too much Copper may also prevent the proper absorption of other important elements like iron. Excess Copper in the body can come from many sources such as Copper cookware and Tobacco smoke.
(THEORY: Much has been said as to why tobacco is addictive because of the nicotine properties involved - however, because Copper and nickel are present in tobacco leaves, and are used in the body as a conductor of biochemical messages, perhaps any attempt at quitting smoking cigarettes should include the act of reducing or eliminating atomized Copper or nickel from cigarette smoke so the body will not receive a daily dose of the addictive metallic "drug".)

30. (Zn) ZINC:
Known as the sacrificial metal, Zinc is used to galvanize iron and alloyed to copper to make common brass. When shaped into small plates measuring several inches and mounted onto underwater metallic parts of marine boats, Zinc will absorb the decaying aspects associated with electrolysis and thus prevent more expensive nearby metal from slow electric decay. Within the body, Zinc is known as the healing mineral because of its ability to neutralize infection byway of its bactericidal properties. Essential for protein synthesis and tissue respiration, Zinc helps in the formation of insulin and is important in balancing the body's acid-alkaline levels.
(STATEMENT: Combined with the B-6 vitamin, Zinc can produce interesting psychodynamic reactions in the brain known as "dream recall". If dreams become too vivid or realistic during sleep, it may be nature's way of signaling the conscious self to reduce the dietary intake of Zinc and the B-6 vitamin combination. Why and how this psychodynamic phenomenon occurs remains a mystery.)

33. (As) ARSENIC:
A very toxic metalloid element, Arsenic compounds are used in medicines, agricultural insecticides and poisons. Although some trace Arsenic is found in some people, little, if any, should be found in most people because it can negatively affect cellular metabolism and cause skin lesions, which could become cancerous. Arsenic can also cause fatigue, loss of pain sensation and inflammation in the lining membrane of the stomach and intestines. It also interferes with proper phosphorus levels in the body.

34. (Se) SELENIUM:
A toxic nonmetallic element existing in several allotropic forms, Selenium is very light-sensitive and is used in photocells, solar cells, and in xerography. Selenium can be found concentrated with sulfur salts in some dry lake bed areas or bonded to certain metallic elements like lead or silver. An important anti-oxidant trace element, Selenium is capable of stopping or absorbing free-radical reactions at the molecular level and thus prevent cancerous events in the body. Selenium, although very toxic itself, can provide protection against cadmium, mercury, arsenic, silver, and copper toxicity. Selenium sulfide is found in some dandruff shampoos at safe insoluble levels.

47. (Ag) SILVER:
A transition metal element commonly found with sulfur or chlorine salts, pure Silver conducts electricity better than any other element. Silver is used in coinage, tableware, jewelry and mirror making. Silver-chloride and Silver-iodide are used in the photographic industry.
(STATEMENT: Over a half century ago, certain experimental genetic test using Silver as a supplemental agent resulted in some human babies being born with permanent blue pigmented skin. Why Silver caused such a biogenetic reaction remains a mystery.)

48. (Cd) CADMIUM:
A heavy poisonous transitional metal used to protect other metals from corrosion, Cadmium can be very toxic even in trace amounts in the body. Found in some plastic water pipe material, some insecticides and even in some cigarette smoke, Cadmium is more toxic than lead or mercury. Yellow-orange pigments containing Cadmium were once extensively used like lead in paint products. Zinc, iron and calcium protect against Cadmium poisoning.

50. (Sn) TIN:
A soft crystalline metallic element, Tin is used as a protective coating material on steel and alloyed with other elements like lead to make soft solder and with copper to make bronze. Found in the ore cassiterite, Tin is also found in trace amounts in the body. High amounts of Tin can cause iron deficiency anemia.

53. (I) IODINE:
A dark-violet volatile halogen element, Iodine is found in seawater and concentrated within various marine organisms as iodides. Deposits of Iodine bonded with copper or silver also exist. Used in chemical synthesis, photography, pharmaceuticals and dye-making, Iodine can be toxic and care should be used when handling it. Iodine is used in the body to make important thyroid hormones and if deficient, the thyroid gland becomes enlarged and produces a goiter. Poor circulation of the blood and lymphatic systems will also occur if not enough Iodine is found in the diet. Seaweed and other seafood is rich in Iodine. Sodium-chloride salt can be iodized with Iodine for supplementary reasons.

78. (Pt) PLATINUM:
A transitional metal element, Platinum is found with other similar unique metals like iridium and palladium. Platinum is very resistant to oxidation and only melts at very high temperatures. It is used in jewelry, as crucible material for holding molted metal, and as a catalyst for the oxidation of ammonia to manufacture nitric acid. Modern automobiles use Platinum in their catalytic converters to convert harmful exhaust emissions into safer levels. Little research has been done to study the effects of Platinum within the body.
(STATEMENT: A story exist that when early treasure hunters encountered Platinum nuggets in some rivers of the New World, they assumed the nuggets were of little use and so threw them back in the belief that the nuggets would become gold someday.)

79. (Au) GOLD:
An unreactive transition metal, Gold is very ductile and malleable. Found naturally as crystals, accumulated grains in quarts, solid nuggets in placer deposits, and even as microscopic particles in seawater. The only malleable yellow mineral, Gold serves as a monetary reserve material and is used in jewelry, scientific apparatus equipment, dentistry and photography. Highly resistant to acids and corrosion, Gold does not oxidize at all and conducts electricity better than any element except silver. Gold-chlorite salts are used to treat arthritis.
(THEORY: Because Gold is found in seawater - and because Florida Bay has evaporated billions of gallons of seawater over thousands of years, accumulated Gold particles could have blended into the water table of the area and be asorbed in the food chain - thus helping early natives to live longer lives which resulted in the Fountain of Youth legend.)

80. (Hg) MERCURY:
A very toxic liquid metal, Mercury occurs naturally with sulfur in the ore cinnabar. Mercury, also know as Quicksilver, is used in thermometers, dry battery cells, scientific apparatus equipment, dentistry, drugs, fungicides, pesticides, wood preservatives, and explosives. Mercury vapor is very poisonous and can cause vomiting, diarrhea and kidney failure. Genetic malformation has also been atributed to Mercury poisoning from contaminated fish.
(STATEMENT: Some mental illnesses can be traced to persons who handled Mercury in their work - such as the term "mad as a hatter" implies when early hat makers would decorate hats with toxic Mercury which resulted in poor health leading to insanity.

82. (Pb) LEAD:
A soft toxic metallic and very ductile element, Lead is very dense and can be found in nature with zinc, sulfur, carbon, and silver compounds. Lead is also known as the plumbic metal because its name originated in early history as a popular plumbing material used to pipe water. Lead is toxic because it interrupts protein synthesis by binding very tightly to nucleic acid materials - which are important in cell function and replication. Lead also interferes with enzyme functions in the body. Once extensively used in paint products and as a metal lubricant in gasoline, Lead has caused mental retardation and dementia. The use of Lead and ignorance of Lead poisoning has caused many social and environmental problems throughout human history.
(STATEMENT 1: Many believe the Roman Empire fell because the leadership slowly succumbed to Lead poisoning from the common use of lead in plumbing at the time which resulted in poor political decisions and governmental decay.)
(STATEMENT 2: Lead was first noticed by doctors as a slow poison only just over a century ago when more injured persons in the western frontier of the United States were dying, not of physical bullet wounds, but of lead leaching from unremoved lead bullets into the blood stream and causing various chronic ailments leading to death.)
(STATEMENT 3: Although recent inconclusive lead test were performed on the body of Andrew Jackson in an attempt to see if he was suffering Lead poisoning from a Lead bullet embedded in his flesh during his presidency, the fact that, as Florida's first governor and president of the United States, Jackson had a very short temper and negative attitude toward rational government leadership. This fact suggest his political actions, like the tragic war with many Native American tribes of the southeast, could be traced to Lead poisoning and his schizothymic behavior.)
(THEORY: If wars and lost empires can be traced to demented leaders suffering from Lead poisoning then perhaps a primary cause leading to World War 2 can also be traced to lead poisoning. Before Adolf Hitler became involved in politics he was a painter at a time when lead paint was extensively used - which suggest his demented and hatred attitude toward some aspects of life may have been caused by Lead poisoning. White paint made from Lead carbonate is also suspected in influencing the famous artist Goya nearly two centuries ago when he began painting grotesque social commentary works.)

ORMUS and the Fountain of Youth legend connection.
By Duane McCullough 1/03 V2

New research has uncovered a remarkable subject relating to a group of mysterious materials commonly referred to as the ORMUS materials. The term “ORMUS” is related to certain materials that display a unique subatomic molecular structure pattern which apparently is capable of superconductivity characteristics at room temperature.

First termed “ORMEs” by a researcher named David Hudson in the late seventies as an acronym for “Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements”, it was later discovered by other researchers that the mysterious materials may also include diatomic elements as well. So, a newer general term was proposed by some as a word that relates to the same group of materials but is now called “ORMUS”.

In trying to learn why the word ORMUS was chosen, I discovered that because little is known about how the material forms or what its atomic structure looks like, some researchers did not want to identify the mysterious materials with conventional metal or nonmetal elements, they chose the similar sounding word based on the original ORMEs acronym -- and thus, ORMUS is now used to describe the same materials first discovered by David Hudson.

However, from want I have read so far about the ORMUS subject, it seems that because all known “flavors” of ORMUS materials are metallic in origin -- such as ORMUS gold, ORMUS copper, ORMUS platinum and such, I proposed a new definition of the word ORMUS as meaning “Orbital Rearrangement of the Metallic Unit Structure”.

The actual definition of the ORMUS word may differ between researchers, but in summary, it referrers to a unique state of matter wherein the subatomic molecular orbital structure pattern of certain metallic materials have been naturally or mechanically rearranged to a state that is unlike the normal subatomic orbital structure pattern found in common elements.

Certain ORMUS materials based on such metals as Gold, Silver, Iridium and the Platinum base elements, are believed by some researchers to exist in very small amounts within the brain wherein they provide molecular superconductivity between memory cells. If so, then perhaps a type of new matter or supplement substance based on ORMUS materials could be created by some medical research institution which could provide for better health to those in need if applied or ingested properly.

If the original Fountain of Youth legend is based on the concept of unique healing waters from a natural mineral spring somewhere in Florida, then perhaps the ORMUS subject may help explain why such waters had the tonic ability to heal the sick and promote immortality.

For further reading on the ORMUS elements and their role in modern chemistry -- enter the word ORMUS in any good internet search engine.

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