LOST FOUNTAIN / Researching the Legend
By Duane K. McCullough
Version 1.1
Copyright (C) 1998/2000 Duane K. McCullough
All rights reserved including the right of reproduction
in whole or in part in any form.
ISBN: 0-9621605-4-7
Dedicated to those who believe in the scientific reality behind the Fountain of Youth Legend.
Thanks to my brother Darrell and his wife Jean at CARIBBEAN WATERSPORTS for lending the 1863 nautical chart from which the cover artwork and other maps within were copied from. Also thanks to my wife Cynthia and friends here in the Florida Keys who helped with proof reading.
And special thanks to my father for his help in providing moral and financial support when I needed it. Also my mother, who passed away in '91, who taught me most of what I know about art and design.