spiritofatlantis.com | Duane K. McCullough

A story about the Atlantean Alliance Currency Note V2.4

by Duane K. McCullough

What if currency notes were based on a redeemable nutrional food unit?

jpg image of the Atlantean Alliance Currency Note

The size of a credit card, this is a sample of a proposed Atlantean Alliance
Currency Note with a value of Ten United States Dollars.

The above image is an example of a currency note from what would have represented a value of ten pounds of cacao beans from the Atlantean Alliance government in ancient times.

The Atlantean Alliance government in ancient times is a theoritical republic of rulers around the world allied with the antideluvian Maritime Kingdom of Atlantis. More about the Atlantean Alliance Republic in a moment.

The reason why this currency note is linked to the value of cacao beans is because cacao beans -- also known as "cocoa" after dried and husked, are a valuable renewable food source that can be "cashed in" or eaten by any citizen when necessary.

Because early natives of both the Caribbean and Mediterranean realms once used nutritional beans as "valuable units of trade" -- such as cacao and carob beans, imagine if our Atlantean ancestors once created a verifiable paper currency and based it on a simple and useful eatable energy source.

Any person or group possessing these "cocoa currency notes" could trade them in anytime at a local certified "food bank" and get most all the nutrients they would ever need to survive for months because cocoa is balance with important elements like potassium, phosphorus and calcium -- that when mixed with water and some sugar, provides survival energy.

Native to the Atlantean continent of the New World, cacao beans are the reason why the Caribbean Sea was named by early European explorers because the native peoples of the area used what the explorers believed were carob beans as trade units -- but were in fact, not carob beans from the Mediterranean, but were cacao beans from the New World.

Cocoa contains the stimulant caffine whereas carob does not -- and may have been one of the "spices" that inspirered Columbus to take his famous westward short-cut to the west Indies where places like "Cathay" and "Java" were known to exist.

Cocoa also contains the alkaloid Theobromine -- also known as "god's food", and was once the main ingredient in the primary chocolate beverage drink of the Aztec leader Montezuma.

Moreover, it's interesting to note that because the current price of cocoa is valued at just above $2,200 USD per metric ton -- or about one US Dollar per pound, perhaps this valuable commodity would today be more useful than other materials of value like -- say gold, as a price point of value for Currency Notes.

UPDATE: As of late 2019, if one Googles the question "How much is a tonne of cocoa?" -- the answer is: "Between 2016 and 2019, the monthly price of cocoa worldwide peaked in mid-2016 at about 3,122 U.S. Dollars per metric ton and has since declined to around 2,134 U.S. Dollars per metric ton as of October 2018. Global cocoa production is expected to reach 4.59 million tons in the 2017/2018 crop year."

So, because the currency value of cocoa has not changed much since ancient times, perhaps the Currency Notes of the US Dollar and the British Pound of the United Kingdom could be limited to the unlimited production value of cocoa.

It would be made proper that if the value of cocoa was to be a price point for today's paper Currency Notes, sustainable farming practices should be implimented so as not to damage the environment by those who would want to "grow money on trees".

Regarding the aforementioned Atlantean Alliance government in ancient times, when Plato mentions the idea of the lost Maritime Kingdom of Atlantis in his dialogues Timaeus & Critias, he suggest -- or implies, that there once existed a global alliance system of government which ruled the world before a great flood event destroyed it.

If what Plato suggest -- or implied, was true, then -- much like the modern alliance system of national governments associated with Western Civilization of today, there once existed a common alliance of rulers in ancient times known collectively as Atlantis.

However, ever since the global governing body of the United Nations was created by Zionist politicians and bankers over seventy years ago -- which have nefariously used "allied nations" to build a global government system among nations, the time has come to question the authority of the United Nations -- and who are the people that control it.

UPDATE 1/6/2021: Recent political events -- such as the fraudulent medical pandemic lockdown event crisis known as "COVID-19" -- and the voter cheating activity of the Democratic Party during the 2020 US Presidential Election, has resulted in a "great public awakening" of these scam events across the world -- and should result in a "New Alliance of Nations" that will overcome the political powers of the "Global Elite" gang of theives who control the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF and the World Bank -- which are all tied to the UN and the Rothschild Family Banking Cartel.

Speaking about the UN and the Rothschild Family Banking Cartel -- they are part of the World Economic Forum's goal of a "Global Reset Program" that is trying to destroy the US Dollar as a standard value unit using the "COVID-19" event crisis to force the public to avoid "paper money" and be dependent on their version of a "digital-crypto system of control" to dominate and monopilize the currency of the world.

Therefore, the idea that a "New Alliance of Nations" around the world -- or new "Atlantean Alliance" between modern "allied nations" -- who can trace their "maritime heritage" to the lost civilization of Atlantis, could theoretically issue a new material system of "Currency Notes" -- perhaps based on the price point value of a nutritional commodity item like cacao -- and not directly be linked to any "digital-crypto system of control" -- which could be electronically manipulated by the Rothschild Family Banking Cartel.

UPDATE 1/6/2024: Based on the approximate value of gold at $2,000 USD per ounce and the approximate value of cocao at $2,200 USD per metric tone, perhaps the aforesaid currency note dollar value number "card" could be embeded with a small amount of gold -- printed as a "metallic stripe", so that the value of gold would be like a "Gold-back" exchangeable currency object. In other words, because gold foil can be printed onto a currency note, the note could be "backed up" in either physical gold paid at the time of exchange -- or traded in for the assigned value of the cocao at a "food bank" when needed.

Moreover, if a person wanted to extract the small amount of gold from the "currency note" card for whatever reason, they would destroy the note in doing so -- and also void the exchange value at any certified "cocao food bank".

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