Appendix 1 / Update Notes (Version 4.3)
As one can imagine -- trying to understand the overall outline of Western History is a daunting endevor. Finding the major dating mistakes in recorded human history that were created some five centuries ago -- and trying to recalabrate all the conventional dates into a new understanding of Western History, can be very confusing -- but not impossible to figure out.
The following statements are subject to change because new historical information is constantly challenging the data presented -- in other words, updated information should appear on this page when possible.
Extensive examination of Medieval European coins, which in themselves represent perhaps the most important and permanent "chronological record" of Old World Governmental History, has revealed alphanumerical data that the "A.D." (Anno Domini) dating system began only about six centuries ago -- and not some fifteen centuries ago as believed by conventional historians.
The modern numerical system of dating events in "scriptic" symbols on coins or any written material, really did not began until the Renaissance. The very few existing European coins with modern numeric dates from just before the Renaissance could have been minted during the Renaissance with dates suggesting when the event was "founded" and not when the coin was "minted".
Although, the "A.D." time count system formula theory is assumed to have been "discovered" nearly five centuries after Christ by the astronomer and historian named Dionysius Exiguus -- and several Medieval manuscripts may have used the Roman letter number system to assign certain "A.D." dates to them, the fact remains that the use of the modern number system -- and its true symbolic values, was not widely used by "historical scholars" to literally date items until the early Renaissance.
Moreover, the very few "historical scholars" that did exist during the Middle Ages could have been merely following or recopying the "A.D." time formula theory without verifying the calendrical data involved. Since the "A.D." time system formula theory is based on somewhat rare lunar ecliptic data taken from the Greco-Egyptian astronomer named Ptolemy -- who himself calculated Middle Eastern history and theorised a "rulers list" of notable leaders before Christ, it should be remembered that any calendrical dating system theory -- born in an age of limited scientific overview -- particularly a dating system that used Roman Numbers, could be wrong.
However Ptolemy's or Dionysius' theories were interpreted by "historical scholars" many years ago, by the time the modern printing press was invented nearly five centuries ago, ancient "Western History" became "established" in mass print -- and apparently, there has been little need to verify the annual accountability of these theories until the recent modern era of information challenged the data.
The novel question as to whether the conventional "A.D." time system formula theory is true or not, is not a question easily answered without a serious review of how and when human history could have been "packaged" by certain influential historians and publishers nearly five centuries ago.
2/ The "modern" method system of dating calendrical history by using the symbols set "B.C.E." -- or "years Before the Common Era", and the symbol set "C.E." -- or "years of the Common Era", attempts to balance the scientific and religious date of Christ -- however, if the "Common Era" is also scientifically proven to be numerically incorrect, then perhaps an even more modern method system of dating calendrical history could be used like the following concept.
Version 2.2 suggest the calendrical base birth-date of the first Patriarch in Western History named Adam can be identified with the symbol letter set of "AA." -- meaning years "After Adam". Years before Adam are displayed as "BA.", as in "Before Adam".
To some, the Patriarch named Adam will always be only a mythical person -- however, like Jesus Christ, their dates of birth are documented and, although their calendrical dates may have been misjudged by early influential historians, they have been entered into our archives -- therefore, they should not be ignored as a time value in measuring human history.
UPDATE: 2013 @ (2013 A.D.) -- See following entry:
Based on the idea that Adam's birthdate can be traced to 1000 years before 1998 A.D. -- the year of 2000 A.D. would equal the value of 1002 years after Adam. But for the sake of simplicity, if we understood the general concept that Adam lived 1000 years before the year 2000 A.D. -- and recorded the year as 1000 AA. (After Adam), a better understanding of calendar mathematics should take place in order to understand the update comments of a proposed calendar that will be stated in a moment.
3/ Appendix 2 includes a proposed calendar that embodies the spirit of the existing Gregorian Calendar, the Zodiac symbols, and the True Tropical Solar-Year value of the lost Trans-Atlantean Calendar. This perpetual trans-solar calendar is dated to "restart" in the conventional date of the year 1998 A.D. (1000 AA.).
Traditionist will continue to use and value not only the current conventional calendar, but will also persist in the belief that Christ lived nearly 2000 years ago. However, the radical theory and historical understanding that Adam lived just over three centuries before Christ -- and that Christ himself may have lived less than a thousand years ago is more important than what simplistic solar calendar the public chooses to keep or use in the near future.
If certain scientific evidence suggest that Christ lived less than a thousand years ago -- like the recent radiocarbon-14 isotope test of the "Shroud of Turin" suggest, then perhaps the birth of Christ and the "Star of Bethlehem" event took place in the year of 304 AA. (1302 A.D.). This time-line theory is based on several novel calculative concepts that attempts to translate conventional history into a whole new way of counting true human history.
Using astronomical data based on the recurring 76-year period comet -- or "Halley's Comet", and the historical idea that the "Star of Bethlehem" could have been the one of the period events, one could create a time-line between the birth of Adam and Christ wherein the recurring comet would reveal itself as a recurring "heavenly event" or "celestial sign" that could be predicted by observant "wise men".
As mentioned earlier in this book, if the conventional 3761 year count between Adam and Christ were counted only as 3761 months instead, then the recalculated time-line count of 304 years between the two patriarchs would reveal other important leaders who "appeared" during the recurring "heavenly event" -- like the following examples.
According to the conventional Biblical time-line, King David appeared about 1000 years before Christ -- however, 1000 months would equal about 76 years at 28 days a month or 4000 seven-day weeks. Because King David is also associated with his "star" -- as in the "Star of David", perhaps Biblical history mixed the man and the 76-year period "heavenly event" somehow.
Also, according to the conventional Olympiad time-line, King Cyrus appeared about 600 years before Christ -- however, 600 seasonal units would equal about 150 years before Christ. King Cyrus is also identified with a bright star of the heavens -- as in Sirus, the brightest evening star.
And speaking of great white events in the heavens, legend has it that Siddhartha Gautama Buddha "came into existance" when a "great white elephant in the sky" paid a visit to his mother Maha Maya. Was the "great white elephant in the sky" actually the 76-year period comet that appeared almost 600 seasons -- or about 150 years, before Christ?
If the 76-year period comet were these recurring "heavenly events", then perhaps this historical "timing light" could be used to help calibrate the time-line of ancient history with modern history and the discovery of the true length of the Middle Ages may be realized. (Preliminary astronomical data, based on the 76-year period comet and other calendrical data, has suggested that Adam "appeared" in 998 A.D. [0 AA.] and Christ was born in 1302 A.D. -- or 304 years later [304 AA.]).
4/ A major update to the proposed calendar within Appendix 2 includes the change where instead of year counts of "After Adam" -- or "AA.", the new symbol of the "@" -- or the "AT" symbol, is placed after the year date count to represent years of the historical era based on "Atlantean Time". For example, the year of 2000 A.D. or 1000 AA. now translates into 2000 @ -- (or 2000 AT.).
The historical era of "Atlantean Time" -- or AT. (the "@" symbol) placed after the year count, is based on the concept that if a start date for this new calendar count was chosen a thousand years before the known birthdate of the first Patriarch in Western History known as Adam, the current conventional date of 2013 A.D. could easily translate into 2013 @ (or 2013 AT.).
It should be understood that no known event happened on the start date of this new proposed calendar -- nor is there any current knowledge of any particular event date before the birth of Adam on record. However, if any item or event from human activity is ever scientific dated to exist before Adam, then their dates would have a forward count system of recording them.
The time era term "Atlantean Time" is used in this proposed calendar to represent all human activity event dates -- including human activity from before the birth of Adam, because the antideluvian story of Atlantis and all the associtated technological activity from that lost period in time, is part of the human record of time.
Some may argue that if Adam was the first "human" -- how then could human activity exist before Adam?
Because the science of archeology currently suggest human activity is probably older than a thousand years ago -- and even Biblical data suggest intelligent life in the form of the "almighty being" -- known as God, existed before Adam, the idea that proof of human life and activity as we know it may not be much older than the date of Adam in 1000 @.
However, since the city of Atlantis -- and human activity, apparently existed before the Biblical Flood event that happened a generation or two after Adam was born, the question of when did the first human being come into existance needs to be answered -- in other words, how long ago did the first humans build Atlantis?
At this point in time -- we can only guess the answer.
While some may consider that because this new proposed calendar is not dated to the birthday of any important person from history -- such as Adam or Christ, it shows disrespect to important religious leaders of recorded history -- however, it should be known that the birth dates of both Adam and Christ were used to discover and calabrate this new calendar system -- and that no disrespect to their novel status in recorded history is suggested in this new way of keeping annual time.
The celebration of Christmas can be as lovely as always -- and a week later, humanity can celebrate a new year of recorded history like we have done for many centuries.
So -- a thousand years before Adam is a date that was chosen to represent the begining of this new Atlantean Time calendar counting system -- where the current year of 2013 @ numerically records a annual count of known human activity.
UPDATE: 2023 @ (2023 A.D.) -- See following entry:
5/ Based on new astronomical data regarding past celestrial events which could help define the true annual timeline of recorded human history, the following theory suggest a nova event -- known as the Crab Nebula object, may have been the event that caused the Biblical Flood.
Because there exist a "gravity wave" phenomenon associated with "star-quakes" and "Gamma Ray Burst" events, the celestial explosion event of the Crab Nebula almost a thousand years ago, may have been strong enough to cause a "Forty Day / Forty Night" event on Earth by "shaking" Earth's atmosphere. There may also have been other celestial events within the solar system -- including Cometary object activity, near the Earth and Sun -- which could have caused the Biblical Flood event as well.
This new theory regarding when the Biblical Flood event happened in human history places the conventional dated event of the Crab Nebula of c.1054 A.D. -- which is approximately some 25 years shy of a date suggested in earliers geneolgical calculations, when the Biblical Flood event took place in c.1079 @.
However, because the exact conventional date of the Crab Nebula event is based on guesswork -- such as the reverse expantion of the nebula explosion to when the event started, pinpointing an exact date -- measured in years before the present, could be in error by some 25 years.
Moreover, using dates from China records about the appearance of a bright "guest star" that was seen in the constellation of Taurus the Bull, could also be off by a few years because of translation errors through the ages.