* UPDATED 1/2025 Version 3.4 *
The math and image data in this essay were written in the early 2000's with help from an astronomical program called "Starry Night" -- however, a simular astronomical program called "Stellarium" has been unable to verify the data for reasons unknown at this time. Moreover, a recent online review of the exact dates when "Halley's Comet" was seen by people who claim to have recorded the comet image, seems to have several descrepancies -- which implies more research is needed to verify the dates listed below that the comet was seen from Earth in the Constellation of Sagittarius.
Commonly known as "Halley's Comet", this 76-year period comet may have also been the same heavenly event known as the "Star of Bethlehem" because of several scientific reasons soon to be explained.
It should be known that the following information is based on a new annual time-line theory regarding the true dates of Western History. This new annual timeline theory may seem unbelievable to first time readers -- however, it can be conclusive in thought if scientifically understood properly. In order to truely appreciate this new annual theoretical time-line interpretation of Western History, first time readers of this theory should "suspend" all known conventional annual dates of human history they were taught in school regarding the time-line of human history from before the discovery of the New World by Europeans some five centuries ago. A whole new way of knowing the true annual time-line of human history is awaiting discovery for those with an open mind.
The following astronomical data table of calendrical events list the adjusted dates in recording the 76-year period comet while at the same spot in the Constellation of Sagittarius (Sagitta = an arrow).
1986 / March 29
1910 / March 28
1834 / March 25
1758 / March 23
1682 / March 20 (Seen by Halley)
1606 / March 18
1530 / March 17 (Adjusted to not include 10 extra days at 1582)*
1454 / March 15 (Adjusted to not include 10 extra days at 1582)
1378 / March 14 (Adjusted to not include 10 extra days at 1582)
1302 / March 12 (Adjusted to not include 10 extra days at 1582)**
1226 / March 10 (Adjusted to not include 10 extra days at 1582)
1150 / March 08 (Adjusted to not include 10 extra days at 1582)
1074 / March 06 (Adjusted to not include 10 extra days at 1582)
0998 / March 04 (Adjusted to not include 10 extra days at 1582)
* Pope Gregory mandated 10 extra days to the existing Julian Calendar because it was assumed at the time that the Julian Calendar was in error by 10 days.
** If certain influential historians and publishers of the early age of mass printing -- such as the publisher of the NUREMBERG CHRONICLE, who packaged the official timeline of Western History with dates from the birth of Adam to the discovery of the New World, were incorrect in concluding that the Middle Ages lasted a thousand years -- and were also incorrect in concluding that the Greco-Roman time-line lasted over a thousand years, then the conventional recorded dates of human history beyond about five centuries ago are very wrong and need "serious updating".
Moreover, the recent Carbon-14 testing project that dated Christ's burial cloth to only some seven centuries ago, could be significant scientific evidence that proves the date of Christ's birth and the "Star of Bethlehem" event happened in the same year when the 76-year period comet event appeared, on time, in 1302 - or only about seven-hundred plus years ago.
How a celestial event in March became associated with the birth of Christ in late December may be linked to the "festival of lights" event of the Maccabees when religious and governmental scholars "compromised" their calendrical data during the early Renaissance. Perhaps the "three wise men" who saw the "Bethlehem Star" knew that the comet was coming because of earlier astronomical records which, now lost, may have predicted the reoccurring arrival of the comet every 76 years.
Could the famous painting by Giotto Di Bondone -- dated to about seven centuries ago in c.1302 A.D., that illustrated the "Adoration of the Magi", mark the real event when the Christ Comet appeared during the Nativity Scene?
A reason why a small discrepancy exist in the above 76-year Comet timetable formula between the real birth date of Christ on December 25, 1301 and the "Christ Comet of 1302" -- or the "Star of Bethlehem" event some eleven weeks later in March, can be explained because historians may have confused the December 25th birth date of baby Jesus with his "Coronation" event held in March some eleven weeks later. In other words, the "Nativity Scene" with the "three wise men" and the "Star of Bethlehem" event of baby Jesus took place in March, under the "Eastern Star" event of 1302 -- or "Easter" event. Thus, the story of Easter is not only the story of Jesus Christ' crucifixion and resurrection -- but also his "Coronation" as a "baby messiah" on March 12, 1302.
UPDATE 1/2025: A Roman Christian historian named Sextus Julius Africanus once recorded that Jesus Christ was "conceived" on March 25th -- which is near the Spring Equinox. The significance of this data point suggest the idea that some people long ago once knew the coronation event of Jesus Christ was in the month of March -- near the date of Easter, after he was born in the Winter event of Christmas. Although the idea that Sextus Julius Africanus may have based his understanding that March 25th was nine months before the birth of Christ on December 25 -- which suggest the life of Christ began nine months inside of his mother Mary, the idea that the coronation event of Jesus Christ was in the month of March is an idea on record and can be interpreted in several ways.
Certain calendrical math data also suggest the new theoretical idea that not only was Christ born about seven centuries years ago, but that the first Patriarch named Adam existed only some three centuries before Christ. By retranslating conventional Hebraic numerical records which suggest Adam existed some 3,761 "years" before Christ into 3,761 "lunar" months, at 29.53 days per month, the new year value equals 304 years at 365.25 days per year. And if 304 years were subtracted from the date of 1302, the result could be that Adam "came into being" with the beginning of the Hebrew Calendar in the year 998 -- or the same year that the 76-year comet appeared 14 times ago. In other words, the Hebrew Calendar -- which is based on the B.C. date of Adam, actually began only 304 years before Christ -- and is not over five-thousand plus years old as recorded in the conventional Judaic BC/AD human history timeline.
Given again the theoretical view that, because historical scholars nearly five centuries ago mistakenly valued the Middle Ages as a thousand year period -- instead of a hundred year period, during their time-line conclusions of Western History, the year 998 may actually be the starting year date of the "Western Calendar".
Also, according to other new calendrical math data, because the first Olympiad took place 776 seasons, or only 194 years, before the birth of Christ -- the idea that 194 years before the birth of Christ in "302" equals the year "108"" -- as in 302 - 194 = 108, which suggest the first Olympiad -- or the beginning date of Greco-Roman history, can be dated to 108 years after Adam.
This new calendrical math data suggest the idea that the capital seaport of Atlantis in what is now Central America existed less than a thousand years ago because the Biblical flood that destroyed it took place after the date of Adam in 998.
Regarding the calendrical events of Indo-Oriental and New World native histories, it should be known that modern historians have been dating the ancient events of these global areas to "fit into" the conventional Judaic BC/AD human history timeline for five centuries. The data presented in this essay suggest much work needs to be done by modern historians in rediscovering and rewriting the true annual timeline of global human history.
Although the above data states that the 76-year period comet was the same comet in the years of 998 and 1302, the new Atlantean Timeline calendar has "shifted" the birth of Adam two years forward to 1000 A.T. for simplicity reasons. In doing so, the birth of Christ some 304 years after Adam has rendered the above numerical data to be "out of sync" by two years. Therefore, the above numerical data is technically correct in relation to the last five centuries of the Judaic A.D. calendar, but is two years behind in relation to the new A.T. calendar.
To keep "numerical conformity" with the last five centuries of the Judaic A.D. timeline, the new Atlantean Timeline is based on a numerical date of a thousand years before Adam, so that true human history can count only forward -- and also not have to challenge the annual count of recorded dates since the discovery of the New World.