By Duane Kent McCullough
Once there was a nation
that shaped the destination
of the first generation
and the human creation.
In the Caribbean,
years before Christ,
was a king and queen
of an island paradise.
Their palace was carved out of a hill above the jungle shore,
by a torch that was used for mining metallic ore.
The wonders of their kingdom seem unreal to some,
especially when they used the elements of platinum with thorium.
Beside their pretty palace by the sea,
made of crystal and stone,
stood a bright beam of vibrant energy
that became a beacon to their throne.
This column of light
that beamed through the night
could also be seen in the day
as a upright line of white
which was used as a sight
for travelers from far away.
For centuries they ruled the realm of holy mythology
because they possessed the power of a divine technology.
Using scepters to score through granite with
the color of purple,
they practiced a geometry that crosses the tee
and squares the circle.
The masters of crystal blasters,
and of long trips in sailing ships,
this kingdom of the summer regions
and their fleet of royal legions
were engulfed one day
when a chariot of light
fell from the night
and washed their world away.
So when Plato wrote of a place
on a plateau in the Atlantic,
he was simply revealing
the wonders of Atlantis
the beautiful and romantic!
The Gamma Ray Burst event that caused the explosion of the Crab Nebula
has been dated to about nine and a half centuries ago.
New scientific data suggest that a "gravity wave" from the celestial event may
have cause the Earth to experience the Biblical Flood event.
After discovering that the conventional BC/AD Judaic Timeline Calendar
is significantly incorrect by thousands of years --
and also discovering that the Seaport City of Atlantis was also lost to the world
during this same celestial event almost a thousand years ago, it is believed that
the Atlantean Maritime Kingdom actually existed only about a thousand years ago
before it was engulfed by the Biblical Flood event.
Moreover, because the lost Biblical utopian "Sun City" of "ON" was the same
circular city as Atlantis, and that the modern energy "ON symbol" represents the same
"circular pillar of energy" logo image also identified as the "pillar edifice" device
at the center of the City of Atlantis, a great new understanding of the
lost treasures of Atlantis awaits those with an open mind.