spiritofatlantis.com | Duane K. McCullough

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Duane K. McCullough 5/99

by Duane McCullough

This sixth interview was written by the author in response to possible questions regarding the book: SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS / The Treasure Adventure. Although there are three fictional reporters asking questions about the many views presented in the book, the questions asked are meant to inspire the public into discovering the truth and reality about Atlantis. The public is welcome to republish this "press conference" - however, any republication of this interview should include this web site address or HTML link to the www.spiritofatlantis.com web site.

Dateline: May '99 / Place: Key Largo, Florida

Reporter 1: With the Summer of '99 almost here, have you discovered any new substantial views regarding Atlantis and why the public should be aware of your book projects?

Duane: It seems that my pace of discovery has considerably slowed because of the lack of available free time in which to study the data I've already collected. The scientific research of the Atlantean subject and the desire to publish my historical discoveries are important because they can help reveal significant lessons from a lost era in human history. By revealing the important details of the lost Atlantean era in my book projects, the public can better understand and appreciate our cultural origins.

Reporter 1: So where is your time being spent if your not studying the Atlantean subject?

Duane: Well, since my new employment at Caribbean Watersports here in the upper Florida Keys, the tourist season has been in "full bloom" - and as captain and instructor on several watercraft, most every day is spent out on the water away from my publishing tools. Although I've had the opportunity to share my Atlantean discoveries with many visitors to the Florida Keys, little time has been available to publish my work in print or update my website.

Reporter 2: According to your publishing schedule, a Compact Disc of Version 3 is now available. What's on the disc and when will Version 3 in print be available?

Duane: SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS - Version 3 is now on CD and uses the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) so that any Mac or PC computer with a CD player and Internet browser can read and see the book project offline. The CD currently contains only about 4 megabytes of files - far short of the 650 megabyte capacity of a CD, but still a major meal for the imaginative scientific mind. Like the printed version, the CD is highly graphic and can provide many hours of historical rediscovery. Version 3 in print is still under development and should be available later in Q3/99.

Reporter 2: So, with the printed version available before the end of the year, SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS - The Treasure Adventure, Version 3 should be complete for the next millennium. When will the DVD version be available?

Duane: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Any DVD version will have to wait until more resources come online. I do plan a audio-video version on CD next year with more animation. And speaking of next year, it may technically be a new millennium we are about to celebrate, but according to my calendrical research, because the A.D. timeline count is wrong, the new millennium does not mean two-thousand years after the birth of Christ has passed. Remember, my data suggest only about one-thousand years can be accounted for since the birth of Adam - or only about 698 years since the birth of Christ.

Reporter 3: You do realize that of all the unconventional historical theories in your book project, the theoretical idea that the A.D. timeline count is wrong is the most unbelievable and confusing. Understanding your extremely small timeline count theory of Western History is just too complicated for the average historian. And those who are professional historians are more likely to outright reject your new historical timeline count altogether because it greatly conflicts with most every date they have learned from before the Renaissance. The idea that nearly five-thousand years of conventional ancient history can somehow be "recounted" or "calendrically compressed" to less than five centuries is too overwhelming to comprehend. Because your new timeline count theory "cuts across the grain" of all the dated knowledge from that era, a major timeline count problem exist between your book project and most every other history book published. How do you plan to address this timeline count problem?

Duane: I could ramble on and keep repeating the details of my serendipitous discovery about the smaller timeline count of ancient Western History - but, your right, a problem does exist. And I guess the only significant breakthrough in the timeline argument will come when the primary evidence of my Atlantean discovery is revealed. Imagine if a recent satellite photo or some archaeological excavation in Central America uncovered visual or solid evidence of a major prehistoric seaport carved out of a stony hill that could have only been made by a major civilization other than the Mayan. It seems that only then historians will be forced to realize that conventional ancient history needs a new understanding byway of a new timeline count of important events and people.

Reporter 3: Ok, say a major prehistoric seaport is found in Central America that was, as you put it, "carved out of a stony hill" by some sort unknown stone cutting tool device. Say that this lost city fits the one and quarter nautical mile diameter layout size you suggest in your book project. How does - or why would the finding of what may be the lost city of Atlantis in Central America change the fundamental understanding of the conventional B.C. / A.D. timeline of Western History?

Duane: Because if you study the conventional B.C. / A.D. timeline of Western History you will not find any factual reference to the Atlantean subject. So, either conventional ancient history is right - and Atlantis is fiction, or the prehistoric Atlantean seaport is real, which would suggest conventional ancient history is lacking in its accountability to included one of history's greatest civilizations and its capital seaport. This lack of accountability to include the reality of Atlantis should make all historians reconsider the annual makeup of the conventional B.C. / A.D. timeline. If Atlantis can be found - then a new and radical view of history will also be found.

Reporter 3: What you are suggesting is that until the seaport city of Atlantis is conclusively found in Central America, you new timeline theory of Western History - which is based on the birth date of the Biblical Patriarch named Adam, will probably remain too radical to accept by mainstream historians. Is this view correct?

Duane: Yes - however, one does not have to wait for the conclusive discovery of the Atlantean seaport in Central America to believe in my new timeline theory of Western History. It will take time for the general public to understand and realize how historians have been publishing ancient history for centuries. When mainstream historians eventually discover how ancient history was packaged only about five centuries ago, only then will the conventional B.C. /A.D. timeline be "updated". To quote the Greek historian Herodotus: "Very few things happen at the right time, and the rest do not happen at all. The conscientious historian will correct these defects". This quote by one of history's first historians suggest early historians "have altered history" by adjusting dates so that important events take place in sequential order. I should also add two other quotes about the makeup of conventional history - the first by a man name Don Herold: "We will hereafter believe less history than ever, now that we have seen how it is made" - and the second quote by Samuel Butler: "God can not alter the past, but historians can".

Reporter 2: So, does this mean you are not going to celebrate the year 2000 next year?

Duane: Oh, I'll party as much as possible. If people what to celebrate the year 2000 - that's fine, it's just that I believe Christ lived only about seven centuries ago instead of the assumed two-thousand A.D. year count we see or hear reference made to most every day. This year especially, the numerical term "two-thousand" will be drilled into our heads by the media like never before.

Reporter 1: Regarding Christ and his following, are you a religious person and do you believe in a universal supreme being?

Duane: Art and Science are my religious studies - and yes, I believe in a awe inspiring supernatural supreme force that sometimes takes shape as a being or beings with the ability to do good things. I also believe this supernatural supreme force controls people and events of our universe most of the time. My philosophical attitude toward conventional religion - which is the social worship of the universal supreme being, is basically good, but many religious sects do seem to go overboard in their desire to "do good" sometimes.

Reporter 1: So, apparently you believe in a universal supernatural supreme force or being that creates "good things" most of the time. Do you believe that this supreme force has helped you create your book project?

Duane: I would like to think so. Perhaps part of my destiny is to help find a lost world from our past so that the subject of Atlantis will command better respect in the study of Global History. It is the "spirit" of the Atlantean subject that keeps me wanting to share my anthropological discoveries and scientific theories with the public.

Reporter 2: One of the most interesting scientific theories suggested in you book projects is the idea that the mineral element of gold can be a healing nutrient if ingested properly. If so, how come this simple idea has not been discovered before in the field of dietary medicine?

Duane: Because the field of dietary medicine is relatively a very young science in our modern age, perhaps nobody has realized yet the idea that gold can improve or heal body cells if ingested properly. If the durable element of gold can be naturally "chelated" by certain plants during growth, and then eaten, perhaps the durable qualities of the noble element can be "passed on" to the new host. To quote a pamphlet found at a local heath food store: "Use minerals that are compounded in a way that closely resembles the form that they will have to assume once they are in the body ...take your minerals in complex or chelated forms".

Reporter 1: Have you personally ever tried to eat chelated gold in a diet to improve your cell memory?

Duane: I'm sorry to say, no I haven't - but that's not a bad idea. In fact, perhaps some simple hydroponic gardening with some gold base salts just might work. The chemical formula ratio of metallic gold to non-metallic acids like chlorine or other acidic elements should be tested first. If the plant can take or absorb the salts and live, then perhaps your body should also be safe after eating the plant. A simple potato in a mayonnaise jar might even work. I've never tried this experimental idea before because the idea uses a metal substance that is not cheap to come by. But new insights suggest very little gold may be necessary for it to work. A little gold can go a very long way - look at gold foil, no other chemical element is so malleable. Gold conducts electricity better than any other element except silver. Combined with the phosphorus substance within your brain matter - and some good thinking, perhaps even a little "head glow" is possible. Remember all those old paintings of the Biblical saints and their aureoles or halos? Maybe even they once knew how to eat chelated gold in their diet.

Reporter 2: Are you suggesting that some important historical saints may have once known about a golden diet and that many ancient paintings may have once portrayed them with halos because of a remarkable chemical reaction between gold and phosphorus in their heads? That's an amazing theory if true. Why and when do you believe this knowledge was lost?

Duane: Perhaps some of our saints of about seven centuries ago lost this golden diet knowledge for reasons yet unknown. Global mythology is full of important persons with glowing heads long before Jesus Christ and his apostles. Look at Zeus - always depicted in stories with a glowing head.

Reporter 1: Speaking of remarkable chemical reactions, have you ever tried to recreate the particle beam tool that you suggest was once possible during the Atlantean age?

Duane: Well, that theoretical experiment requires some platinum and other expensive elements that I can't afford right now. I have no studio or monetary resources yet in which to test this particle beam tool. And even if I did have all the resources needed to test and build a "photolytic sword" device, I'm not sure right now if I could prevent a working example from being copied and abused by others who would want to use it as a weapon. The ancient technology that once created and used this stone cutting tool design, will be reinvented someday - so, if properly sponsored, I may try building several versions in the future. Of all the technological visionary items made popular by the recent "Star Wars" movie, the particle beam sword device seems so realistic perhaps because our ancient memories have recorded this lost alchemy deep within our minds.

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