Duane: Well, to compare the recent terrorist attacks on the USA with ancient gang attacks on the antediluvian Atlantean Maritime Kingdom may seem unrelated views to some historians -- however, I have found a few perspectives during my research that may suggest a lesson or two can be learned. First of all, Plato's dialogues refer to the idea that the Atlanteans were attempting to control some rebel colonies within the eastern Mediterranean realm when, during or just after a major civil battle, global earthquakes and floods destroyed both partisans. What Plato may be suggesting in his Atlantean dialogues regarding this "ancient police action by the Atlantean kings against the rebel gangs" is the idea that an ancient civil war took place between the "western" Atlanteans and the "eastern" rebels who occupied much of what was then the Mesopotamian and Asian Minor areas of the Old World in antediluvian times. Now this view begs the question of just who were the rebel gangs that challenged the Atlanteans? Looking to some Biblical history, a view appears that suggest a rebellious Assyrian king by the name of Nimrod -- who built the "tower of Babel", challenged Egyptian control within the area of what is now Lebanon, Jordan and Israel. Together with Hittite gangs who introduced iron weaponry to the conflict, Nimrod attacked the eastern Mediterranean realm of what was then Greater Phoenicia. Quoted by Moses in the Pentateuch as the "mighty hunter before the Lord", Nimrod may have been the key person who challenged the "sea-peoples" who lived within the Atlantean coastal colonies of the area. Now some history books suggest that a group of peoples within Greater Phoenicia identified with a phenomenal aerial sight wherein a "great pole" or "pole-like tower" could be seen from far away -- and therefore were called the Palestinians, as in followers of the "pale" or "pole". According to my research views, this "pole-like tower" was actually a great parabolic metal bucket or "pale" that beamed a translucent column of light similar to a fixed search light - but was much more than a modern search light. It was a remarkable particle-beam device that would capture the imagination of many followers. Later, a military leader of the Hellenic Empire named Alexander "the great" conquered the whole Middle Eastern region, including the area then known as Persia. Alexander -- who studied under Aristotle -- who in turned was once a resentful student of Plato and had access to Plato's Atlantean writings, apparently contributed to a version of Grecian history in which the Hellenic Empire challenged the "western" Atlanteans in a major battle just before the antediluvian event flooded the world and destroyed both kingdoms.
Reporter 2: Whoa, stand by... So, what you are suggesting are the views in which the terrorist rebels gangs of today who ruthlessly attacked the World Trade Towers in the USA -- which symbolically represents the "pillars of Western Civilization", are like the ancient rebel Assyrian and Hittite gangs who challenged Atlantean authority in the Middle East long ago. Is this view correct?
Duane: Yes -- in fact, these views not only suggest that history seems to be repeating itself again with yet another global east-west civil conflict between political powers, they also suggest that, if true, historians should study the possible outcome of the ancient conflict and prevent the same mistakes that resulted in what became known as the "Persian Wars" of long ago. It's interesting to note that at the very beginning of the recent Disney's animated movie about Atlantis, the story begins with a global explosion wherein the powerful Atlantean "empire" unleashes what appears to be a nuclear weapon of sorts in a war against some other political empire. However, in my book project, I suggest the theoretical idea that while the Atlantean "police action" was taking place, Mother Nature interrupted the conflict with a greater power from space when a large comet crashed into the Sun and created a huge cosmic "solar-flare splash" that engulfed both partisans beyond obvious recognition with a global flood from melted ice-cap water. So, whether the Atlantean Maritime Kingdom was destroyed by a powerful celestial event or by a powerful man-made nuclear event from a theoretical technology that somehow backfired -- as portrayed in Disney's Atlantean movie, one real lesson to learn may be the view that care should be taken during any modern-day "police action" by "western governmental forces" against the "eastern rebel forces".
Reporter 2: Are you suggesting the idea that nuclear weaponry was once used by the Atlanteans?
Duane: Yes -- but perhaps not like how modern nuclear weaponry is used today. Instead of focusing very hot radioactive energy into a very cold metallic bomb ball of explosive material to create a nuclear explosion, the Atlanteans used nuclear elements to "score through objects" byway of focusing the swirling electromagnetic radioactivity with a parabolic lens made of ceramic compounds containing Platinum. Remember Nimrod's "tower of Babel" -- I believe it was built using nuclear chemical technology from certain radioactive elements first pioneered by the Atlanteans wherein a swirling column of particle energy could not only modulate wireless messages from "the beam", but also could, on a smaller scale, cut through hard objects somewhat like a modern laser tool or weapon. Now I have to say that I have never seen such a phenomenal concept in action, but knowing what I know about the power of electrochemical energy, I believe this "cutting-edge" technology of creating such a tool and potential weapon was once possible by the Atlanteans -- and even by their enemies, in antediluvian times.
Reporter 2: Ok, so let me review your theoretical views about a little realized conflict between the Atlanteans and their rebel enemies long ago. You say that the "western" Atlanteans colonized the eastern Mediterranean realm thousands of years ago and, for some reason, was losing governmental control of the area to "eastern" rebel gangs who were led by a king named Nimrod. Then you suggest the view that during this ancient conflict both combatants were engulfed by a global flood -- and that the flood was so great, modern historians do not realize such a conflict actually took place or that the Atlantean Maritime Kingdom ever existed. Furthermore, you imply that a powerful technology based on beaming electrochemical energy may have once been misused as a war weapon in antediluvian times and was lost during the Biblical flood. If these views are correct, then why would anyone want to challenge the Atlanteans in their control of there colonies? What would cause people to rebel against a global government? And equally important, when did this ancient civil world war or rebellion against the "west" from the "east" take place?
Duane: Yes, your views are correct. As I suggest in my book project, perhaps the shear logistics of command and control broke down and key communication links were lost between the easternmost Atlantean colonies. This view would contribute to why some groups would rebel and challenge Atlantean authority. Perhaps some of the "lost tribes of Israel" rebelled against the Egyptian colony of Atlantis because of "slave labor" reasons. I also suggest medical reasons why some group leaders would rebel -- due to possible lead poisoning that resulted in poor command decisions by rulers. Perhaps the concept of democracy was lost to political greed by some of the easternmost Atlantean colonies. The idea that the Atlanteans used democratic methods of voting can be found in Plato's writing in which he suggest the life of no Atlantean king should be taken without the approval of "more than half" of the other ten kings. Now as to when did this lost civil world war take place -- well, that's a long story...
Reporter 2: Before you try to answer when the Atlanteans battled with the "eastern" rebels, let me better understand the view of why Nimrod's rebel gangs challenged the Atlantean colonies of Greater Phoenicia and Egypt. Basically, you suggest that a breakdown in communication took place between the easternmost realm of the Atlantean Maritime Kingdom and that the Assyrians and Hittites rebelled against authority because the law of democracy was lost to the political forces of ignorance and greed. You also suggest that perhaps lead poisoning among key regional leaders may have played a role in this ancient civil world war. If what you say is true -- and the public learns of these views soon, then some real and important lesson about ancient human history may prevent further conflicts among modern political world leaders. Perhaps the complex question of when did this ancient civil world war took place is not as important as understanding that it happened at all.
Duane: You are so correct in your assessment of my views. When people lose the ability to communicate they lose important pathways of understanding, which can lead to evil events -- such as the recent terrorist attacks against the USA. Rebelling against authority is not in itself a bad action, but the act of using innocent lives as a flying bomb to kill other innocent people is pure evil and should be punished as soon as possible. Not to do so is inviting more evil. However, care should be taken during the act of punishment because the "military rocks" that are thrown around these days can sometimes cause great collateral damage to areas near the evil target. Too much collateral damage destroys the communicative trust between people needed to heal the problem. Perhaps what is really needed in the Middle East is a return of the good Samaritans -- who once lived in the area and were known to be very trustworthy and polite in giving their help to strangers in need. As to when did the "western" Atlanteans and the "eastern" rebels battle each other long ago -- well, first time readers of my writings will not easily believe my timeline conclusions, but my research suggest a date less than a thousand years ago. Many essays at my website are full of views that explain why I believe in a very short version of the conventional timeline of recorded history and how the Atlanteans and their colonial trade links were lost in the Biblical flood some nine centuries ago. Reinterpreting scientific calendrical data -- such as using carbon-14 decay rates or other dating techniques like counting tree-rings to date artifacts, can be used to measure a new timeline of recorded history that is substantially much smaller than the conventional timeline. It is a complicated discovery process that can get very difficult -- but not impossible, to understand.
Reporter 3: Regarding the conventional timeline of recorded history, you have apparently found scientific calendrical data that uncovers certain significant and little realized calculative errors created by historians and publishers during the early printing period of the Renaissance, which suggest the conventional timeline dates of Biblical, Greco-Roman and Medieval eras are only a true fraction in value than what is believed by modern historians. You have also suggested modern scientist have been "bending the facts" in such dating techniques as tree-ring dating and carbon-14 decay rates to accommodate the conventional timeline of recorded history. Could you give us a specific example of how these modern dating techniques have been mistakenly altered by scientist to accommodate the conventional timeline of recorded history?
Duane: Well, I'm still trying to understand the complex links between how modern scientist use the many techniques in navigating the true dates of ancient artifacts and structures made by early humans. However, the idea that scientist have been mistakenly altering data to make it "fit into" the conventional timeline of recorded history may be found in the following examples -- such as, a recent Florida magazine article stated that the oldest known living tree was a cypress tree near a Mexican town called Rio de Tulle -- wherein the annual ring date count is somewhere between 5,000 and 7,000 years old. Other scientific magazines suggest the idea that tree-ring dating -- otherwise known as dendrochronology, can date a tree to about 12,000 years. Now I have suggested in some of my website essays that no living tree can be truly dated beyond about a 1,000 years because the "floating chronology" used by some historical scientist to date trees and some wooden artifacts is subject to interpretive errors in matching the annual ring pattern within living and non-living wood. To the best of my knowledge, because no living tree has been crosscut to reveal a clear count of a thousand annual rings to the core -- which would verify a clear count of a thousand years old, the popular scientific technique of comparing and matching variables in the annual ring count within parts of living trees -- or similar nearby trees to create a "floating chronology" among the age of a tree or trees in question, is subject to interpretive errors. These interpretive errors, when added to more interpretive errors from other chronologist over the years, has created a "cascade effect" of misinterpreting the facts in dating the true age of certain trees. Also, because the decay rate of carbon-14 within wood is apparently used to date other organic artifacts from history and is linked to the assumed annual ring count of ancient trees, the conventional timeline date of any organic artifact believed to be beyond a 1,000 years ago is based on theoretical data and not scientific facts. In other words, most all organic artifacts that have been carbon dated by scientist with dates beyond about a thousand years ago are based on certain theoretical rate decay formulas that have been adjusted to fit certain "correction tables" linked to hypothetical tree-ring data -- and therefore are questionable dates in my book. Moreover, if a tree is found with nearly a thousand annual rings intact, then there may be evidence of a significant change in the annual count near the 900 value into the tree ring layers which could, according to my new timeline calculations, reflect the global Biblical Flood event. So, a new interpretive effort in reviewing the "floating chronology" that is currently being used by historians to date ancient trees or artifacts could reveal new insights as to the true timeline of recorded history.
Reporter 3: Are you suggesting that the science of using carbon-14 decay rates to date artifacts is linked to the "floating chronology" data of dendrochonology? I thought the dating technique of using carbon-14 decay rates to date organic artifacts was solely based on the half-life molecular decay count of the carbon-14 isotope and not linked to the science of dendrochronology. Explain quickly again why conventional carbon-14 dates beyond about a thousand years are unreliable?
Duane: Ok, say for example, early last century, a wooden artifact containing a pattern of annual rings was dated to 500 years ago because the annual ring pattern matched the "floating chronology" data that was established by some well meaning scientific historian or university. Then, some five decades ago, along comes the carbon-14 technique of dating artifacts -- which needs to be verified by dendrochronolgy data to be believed by historical scientist. So the whole carbon-14 rate of decay formula becomes established and any carbon-base artifact believed to have a date beyond the theoretical "floating chronology" of dedrochronology is based on numerical decay values that "project into the past". In short, when dating carbon-based artifacts beyond about a thousand years ago, conventional carbon-14 decay values are based on theoretical "trends" founded on earlier tree-ring dating techniques. Therefore, any small error early in the conventional carbon-14 decay rate formula will mathematically multiply into the ancient past and result in incorrect historical data. A real example of this new concept in understanding how the conventional carbon-14 decay rate formula needs reevaluation by modern scientist is seen when one studies a new timeline chart of carbon-14 dates of Indian canoes recently found near central Florida. A Florida State agency has documented the discovery of these Indian canoes and reveals a unexplained "thousand-year jump" discrepancy in the dates tested by the carbon-14 technique. If the "thousand-year jump" discrepancy was removed from the decay trend, the year count into the past would balance out and suggest year values wherein the Indian canoes are not as old as the conventional carbon-14 dating technique gives.
Reporter 3: If what you say is true, then any scientist trying to navigate through the conventional dates of human history beyond five centuries ago should rethink the use of all popular dating techniques.
Duane: Well said.
Reporter 1: Now that Fall has arrived and your job as a guide to the waters of Florida Bay will be less active, do you plan for vacations this time of year? And if you do, where do you go on vacation?
Duane: Some of my vacation time will probably be spent sailing the local waters of the Keys. Driving up to the Smokey Mountains with my wife and watching the slow fireworks of the Autumn leaves fall is what we usually do every year. Perhaps a visit to the Chesapeake Bay area or to coast of New England may be an option. Because the hurricane season can be rough on southern Florida in October sometimes -- and I keep a boat anchored out on the bay, I may just hang around and go swimming on the coral reef when I can. Life is good. I hope those who lost their lives on 9/11/01 during the terrorist attack are in a better place now. May their spirits live on in our harts and minds.
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