spiritofatlantis.com | Duane K. McCullough

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Duane K. McCullough 5/02

by Duane McCullough

This 19th interview was written by the author in response to possible questions regarding the book: SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS / The Treasure Adventure. Although there are three fictional reporters asking questions about the many views presented in the book, the questions asked are meant to inspire the public into discovering the truth and reality about Atlantis. The public is welcome to republish this "press conference" - however, any republication of this interview should include this web site address or HTML link to the www.spiritofatlantis.com web site.

Dateline: 5/02 / Place: Key Largo, Florida

Reporter 2: Your online SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS website is sometimes not available. Why?

Duane: Apparently, CompuServe -- now owned by AOL, has been having trouble with their Internet servers for months and my homepage website, like many other homepage websites at CompuServe, is not available sometimes -- or is slow in loading web pages. Keep trying to access the spiritofatlantis.com address that links to my http://ourworld.cs.com/duanekmccullough/index.htm website and eventually you should access it. If for any reason anybody wishes to avoid online problems in viewing my research work, a CD version of the SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS website is available by mail order. Just email me at duanekmccullough@cs.com address and I will respond as soon as possible. The price is based on $20 US each plus $5 S&H. The CD contains about ten megabytes of html and image files that any Internet browser should be able to display offline.

UPDATE 2005: No current verson of the SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS book project is for sale -- the lastest current version is the www.spiritofatlantis.com online website.

Reporter 2: Have you considered relocating your website to another online company that specializes in web hosting services with more reliable access?

Duane: Yes -- and I may do that if the situation continues. I've been with CompuServe for about eight years now with good service and would rather stay. For ten dollars a month at twenty hours of online access and twenty megs per name of website hosting space, it's still a bargain -- but only if it's reliable.

Reporter 3: You have been publishing your SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS website on the Internet for five years now and apparently have not received recognition or notoriety from the news media or the academic scientific community regarding your new radical timeline theories about the much smaller annual accountability of Western History. Notwithstanding your views about what and where was Atlantis, do you believe you will ever abandon your radical timeline theory that Biblical History only began about a thousand years ago and return to the conventional timeline used by most every other historian?

Duane: It is interesting to note that the first question anybody will ask someone who has just awakened from unconsciousness after a bad fall is what day or year it is. If the person replies with any date or year count other than the conventional year count, they are considered to be "mentally injured" until they remember the conventional timeline count. Well, my extensive research into the annual accountability of recorded human history beyond five centuries ago may seem grossly incorrect to many conventional historians at first glance, but I believe the numerical data can and will prove me correct someday. I have published my new timeline theories in paperback for fourteen years now and see no reason to abandon my views no matter how much they are ignored by conventional historians.

Reporter 3: Your new timeline theories about Western History were developed while discovering new scientific views about Atlantis. Perhaps you need to create a new book project that focuses on just how you believe modern historians are wrong to believe in the conventional timeline. If you were to create this new book project separate from your SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS book project, you may be able to narrow down the specific arguments that would make modern historians see why the true annual accountability of Western History is much shorter in value than the conventional timeline. Would you consider the idea of creating a new book project about your timeline argument?

Duane: I have considered the idea -- but for the time being, the subject of Atlantis and the subject of a new timeline of Western History are linked together in such a way that they are virtually one subject. Any discussion about Atlantis will include a timeline overview of ancient history and any discussion about ancient history should include views about Atlantis. However, since my timeline overview of ancient history has become a significant argument against conventional timekeeping that seems too difficult for some to understand -- and therefore believe, perhaps I need to better focus on the mathematical and calendrical evidence which may convince other historians that my research work has merit.

Reporter 3: You have argued how conventional Biblical and Greco-Roman history is much shorter in true annual count values because of new calendrical data you discovered while trying to date the existence of Atlantis. You have also argued that the year count value of the Middle Ages is not a thousand year time period like writers of conventional history would have us believe. However, you have not elaborated in your research work as to how your new Mayan Solar Calendar discoveries correlate with your new timeline count of Western History. Could you better explain how the data in your new Mayan Solar Calendar discoveries will help prove the idea that the natives of the New World continent of Atlantis once used a seven-day weekly calendar count system long before the Europeans brought the seven-day weekly calendar count from the Old World some five centuries ago?

Duane: Well -- ok, I have discovered that the conventional Mayan Calendar is significantly wrong because translators nearly a hundred years ago misunderstood the glyphic interpretation of one major time count symbol within five symbols used by the Mayans to record annual history. The symbol in question was the "tun" symbol -- which is believed by many Mayan historians as having a value of a year count. However, my new Mayan Solar Calendar discoveries suggest the idea that the "tun" symbol represents both a seasonal and year day marker counting system wherein the steam-powered "tun" whistle object symbol -- once found atop the local step pyramid, would sound during every season and year day event -- thus, five "tuns" equals only one year and not five years as assumed in the conventional Mayan Calendar count. Another misconception within the conventional Mayan Calendar is the use of a five-day weekly counting system. My research suggest Mayan timekeepers used a seven-day weekly count system that employs a five-day count, used by managers -- much like the modern five-day work week count, together with a two-day "weekend" count -- which adds up to four seasons per year at 52 weeks. This time count -- plus a "year" day count equals 365 days a year. Moreover, every four years a ceremonial "leap" day was added to this new Mayan Solar Calendar count to account for the time value of 365.25 days a year. Mayan farmers knew when four years had elapsed when the steam powered whistle atop the local pyramid would sound during three consecutive ceremonial days. The first day sound represented the "year" day event -- or a total of five "tuns", the second day sound represented the "katun" event -- or the four year count event because the Maya counted in twenty-unit layers, and the third day sound represented the new season event -- or the beginning of the 365.25 day count.

Reporter 3: That's interesting -- however, how does your new Mayan Solar Calendar count system account for a date that correlates to your new timeline interpretation of Western History? And how can you mathematically prove that the Mayans used a seven-day weekly count before five centuries ago?

Duane: Well, like I've suggested before in my research work, modern historians will have to "think out of the box" to understand my new radical interpretation of Western History. By retranslating conventional Biblical time count year values into lunar units, Christ can be dated to 304 years after Adam -- and the first Olympiad can be dated to 776 seasons before Christ -- or about 110 years After Adam. With these views in mind -- and to help modern historians better understand the true timeline history of the Mayan Civilization, I discovered a theoretical reference date that could be found within the new Mayan Solar Calendar that numerically matched to the first seasonal Olympiad event. Now, because Mayan timekeepers created a unique timeline count wherein one of the earliest known numerical dates found inscribed in stone translates to a value of 624 years after the calendar began -- or the year in the new Mayan Solar Calendar count system, Mayan record keeping started late in their calendar. Again, with these views in mind, perhaps the Mayans began recording history in -- or the same year of the first seasonal Olympiad event at 110 years After Adam. In other words, if the Mayan Civilization began recording history at the same time the Greco-Roman Civilization began recording history in 110 AA., the last Mayan date found inscribed in their region at -- or the year 370 AA. would place the timeline of the Mayan Civilization to almost the same time era as the seasonal Olympiad count that ended in 404 AA. -- or 292 years after 110 AA..

Reporter 3: So, without going to great detail, you believe you have found a numerical starting date in both the Olympiad and Mayan counting systems that match up in the year of 110 AA. -- or 110 years After Adam. Does this theoretical reference date suggest the origin of the seven-day weekly count system in the New World or Old World?

Duane: I'm not sure, but because Moses, and his use of the seven-day weekly count when writing Genesis -- as in his statement "the earth was created in seven days", is dated to a time long after the first Olympiad, the new Mayan Solar Calendar of the New World is at least as old as the seven-day weekly count system used by Moses in the Old World. Remember, the conventional date of Moses' birth at c.1571 B.C. now translates to about 177 AA. -- or about 127 years before Christ. Actually, there exist evidence that the Hellenic Empire replaced the seven-day weekly count calendar once used by many agrarian cultures in the eastern Mediterranean realm with a ten-day weekly count calendar 77 years after the first Olympiad. And because the earliest Egyptian pyramid was originally a four layered "time counting temple" -- much like many early pyramids in the New World continent of Atlantis, the invention of the seven-day weekly count calendar may be traced to the eastern colonies of the greater Atlantean Maritime Kingdom in what was once the Egyptian and Phoenician realms.

Reporter 3: Are you saying that the seven-day weekly counting system was invented by certain Atlantean colonies in the Old World and was later replaced by a ten-day weekly count system by the Hellenic Empire -- only to be replaced again with the seven-day weekly count? If so, what events restarted the seven-day weekly count system in both the Old and New World?

Duane: Well, the event that restarted the seven-day weekly count system in the New World was the European colonial expansion into the area some five centuries ago. Like events in the Old World -- when the Hellenic Empire changed the time counting habits of the region with a ten-day week system, the invading Toltec warlord kings corrupted the Mayan seven-day weekly counting system with a 360-day calendar and the seven-day count was forgotten. But the event that reintroduced the seven-day weekly counting system in the Old World was perhaps when the Roman Empire became Christianized with a monotheistic religion and a time count similar to the time count once used by Moses.

Reporter 3: So, in summery, you believe that the seven-day weekly count system was "discovered" by certain timekeepers within the eastern colonies of the greater Atlantean Maritime Kingdom in the Old World. Is this view correct?

Duane: Perhaps -- I'm not absolutely sure. But the data suggest that theoretical view. I should point out that the greater Atlantean Maritime Kingdom may have began in the New World but over time it became a global entity. Our Atlantean ancestors come from both the New and Old Worlds.

Reporter 2: If the greater Atlantean Maritime Kingdom once included governing colonies in what is now the Middle East like your book project suggest, could you give us your best guess as to what were their names and where were their ruling boundaries?

Duane: Although many claim to know all about Middle Eastern history, nobody is exactly sure of who ruled where in Biblical times. There exist thousands of history books on the subject -- most of which were written in the last five centuries following the event sequence of the conventional timeline. Because my book project develops a whole new timeline of Western History, I have an opportunity to suggest different Biblical players as to who ruled when and where in what is now considered the Middle East. First, as I've mentioned earlier in my research work, the geographic area of the eastern Mediterranean coast eastward to near what is now the Indian Peninsula of southern Asia was once a region of overlapping tribal kingdom colonies that settled the area after migrating both over sea and land from the New World continent of Atlantis. This human migration took countless generations during the Neolithic Age and can be verified by understanding the evolution of the Latin Alphabet. For those who have been taught that early humans evolved from African primates who later colonized the New World -- well, perhaps it's time to learn another anthropological theory of human origins. Anyway, the Egyptian kingdom colony confronted the Assyrian kingdom colony in the Phoenician Realm of what is now the countries of Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and Jordan. Without going into great detail at this time, the Samaritans of the area -- which were related to the Biblical Patriarch Abraham, were divided by western and eastern allegiances to conquering kingdoms that to this day seems to be reflected in the Israeli verses Palestine conflict problem. Since both Israel and Palestine claim the same overlapping ruling area, perhaps what is needed to solve this seemingly never ending conflict problem is a political understanding in trusting each other. How, when and where that trust gets implemented are the questions which need to be answered.

Reporter 2: You do indeed have a very different understanding of Middle Eastern history than conventional historians. However, your simplistic overview in explaining the Israeli and Palestinian conflict needs more explanation because the political and religious issues are more complicated. Could you elaborate please?

Duane: The disparity between the Israeli and the Palestinian peoples has recently become extremely desperate because radical elements have taken control. On one hand, the democratic elected Israeli government, which many citizens religiously believe they have the God given right to rule the whole area, is implementing wholesale punishment tactics against radical terrorist sites in the Palestinian areas that have recently resorted to desperate human suicide bombers -- while on the other hand, most Palestinians desire peace, like the Israelis, if only the Israeli military would stay out of the "occupied areas" of what they consider their sovereign country. However, the Israelis will not -- and should not, stop policing the area as long as the current Palestinian government openly allows or encourages radical elements that undermines the security of Israel. If a new Palestinian government could demonstrate its ability to police itself properly -- and if the Israeli government could show faith in trusting a new Palestinian government, then perhaps the two parties could live together peacefully. However, the bone of contention that will continue to inflame the area is the existing and future development of Israeli housing projects into what the Palestinians consider their country. Notwithstanding the language and religious barriers within the area, if both democratic elected governments could politically agree on the security issues regarding borders, then perhaps a new era of peace can take place in that region of the Middle East.

Reporter 1: On a lighter note, when your not working on your book projects or reporting to work as a boat captain at Caribbean Watersports, what do you do for entertainment?

Duane: I have many entertaining computer programs that are very enjoyable. My wife and I go sailing in Florida Bay aboard my 20' Mirage when the weather is nice. Working in the garden can be entertaining sometimes. Playing music on my guitar and keyboard is also entertaining. Visiting family and friends is fun. Watching TV and rental DVD movies can be entertaining -- especially when there is something good on.

Reporter 1: What's the latest DVD movie you watched that you thought was entertaining?

Duane: Let's see -- it was K-PAX with Jeff Bridges and Kevin Spacey. A really good movie. One of the many aspects about the plot was the theoretical ability of harnessing light energy to travel great distances throughout interstellar space. Although the movie is a fictional story about a space traveler that occupies a human body for a period of five years, it makes one wonder about the great scale of the universe and the potential energetic power within light beams.

Reporter 2: Didn't you have a similar theory in your research work about how a solar light beam -- know as "the green flash", may have once been used by the Atlantean timekeepers to measure the true solar year?

Duane: Why -- yes I do. Just look at the back side of the American dollar bill and the "eye of god" image atop a pyramid structure and imagine a beam of light could have been used to annually mark time so that timekeepers could measure the true tropical solar year. This time measuring event method became the "selected new order" by the Atlantean government -- as in the "novus ordo seclorum" statement banner found under the pyramid image. Exactly how this ancient time event measurement method worked is found in Volume 3, Chapter 7, entry 52 of my book project.

Reporter 2: If you could further elaborate on how to theoretically capture the energy force in a light beam -- like the movie K-PAX suggest, then perhaps a new source of energy could be discovered by modern scientist to power machines or vehicles.

Duane : Well, we have all seen those little solar powered gadgets whereby within the glass vacuum chamber electromagnetic energy from a light source "pushes" the little gold squares around a shaft. This is a visual example of how, at least in a vacuum chamber, light powered photons can create kinetic energy. I have a theory of how perhaps any visible electromagnetic source -- such as solar light or artificial light energy, can be "sliced and bent" to create a very hot beam of kinetic energy. By using certain crystals atop a special tuning fork device, and spaced properly apart at the right distance and angle, the first crystal diverts the photons that are traveling at the speed of light to the second crystal which spins the photons off at another angle and slows them down where they interact with the acidic atmospheric element of oxygen to create a scoring beam of energy. This beam of energy can be used to burn through hard objects or heat water to create steam for dynamo generator purposes. Imagine the possibilities if such a technology was reinvented again. Also imagine if this theoretical method of capturing light energy could be misused as a weapon. I hope humanity is smarter than that.

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