Duane: The pace of discovering new anthropological or archeological views that would help prove the historical existence of the Atlantean Maritime Kingdom and the remarkable technologies it once possessed has slowed this year because of other projects I've been working on. I have created a couple of 3D scenery projects for a watercraft simulator computer program that took some time. I also experienced several computer problems that took a great deal of time to correct -- so I apologize for the gap in interview updates.
Reporter 1: What watercraft simulator computer program and scenery projects are you referring too?
Duane: The computer program is called Virtual Sailor and one of my scenery projects is called "The Lost Continent" -- which is a small scale 3D simulation of the American continents. Virtual Sailor is a remarkable watercraft simulator program I found on the Internet that has a very powerful graphics engine which uses an open architecture format in recreating seascape realms from simple map images. Over the summer, I have used the this program to help visualize the idea that the collective American continents of today was once the prehistoric continent of Atlantis by recreating the hemisphere as a 3D scenery file in which Virtual Sailor users can sail the coastal waters and experience the western realm of Atlantis. Basically, by recreating a virtual 3D Atlantean continent so others can experience, I can at least establish the visual idea in 3D that America was once Atlantis. Moreover, I have also recreated a small seaplane watercraft model in which VS users can fly around the entire scenery project and discover the scale of the western Atlantean realm. The seaplane model is called the "SeaRam" and looks like a kite with a small boat hanging underneath. At the time of this interview, both the model and the scenery file projects can be found for download at the main Virtual Sailor website. For more information regarding the VS program, check out the last link selections from my "Outside Links" page at my main SOA web page. Also visit the "Virtual Sailor extras" link within My Gallery page at my wesite for even more information.
Reporter 1: A virtual recreation of the Atlantean continent in 3D -- an interesting project I‘m sure. What were the computer problems that needed to be solved which took time away from your historical research?
Duane: Well, a new computer replacement from Hewlett-Packard finally solved a chronic problem in using my older computer. For several months, my older computer became increasingly unstable and some work was lost -- but it did warn me in time to backup some important data before it finally died. Anyway, about three months of distractive events with computers took time to solve and now I'm back to discovering and documenting new views regarding Atlantis.
Reporter 2: So, notwithstanding your recent comments, do you have any new scientific views regarding Atlantis that could significantly change conventional history?
Duane: Actually, most of what I have already documented regarding Atlantis is capable of significantly changing conventional history. It just seems that until the general media and the greater scientific community discovers my theories and starts understanding the idea in which the Atlantean Maritime Kingdom was once a real entity, all I can afford to do at this time is to reestablish the important general aspects of my Atlantean views.
Reporter 2: Alright, could you give us a quick overview of your published theoretical discoveries regarding Atlantis so that influential members of the greater scientific community can better understand the idea in which the subject of Atlantis is based on fact and not fiction.
Duane: Well, let's ask the five main questions regarding any significant mystery -- what, where, who, why and when? To make this simple, I will only comment on my new theories and not compare them with any other existing theories regarding Atlantis. So, what and where was Atlantis? The word Atlantis first appeared in Western Literature within the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato as the name of a antediluvian capital seaport city located in what is now Central America. Atlantis was also the name of the continental realm in which that capital seaport was located -- which is now the collective American continents. Who were the Atlanteans? The original Atlanteans were the seafaring native inhabitants of early humans from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans who nautically migrated over many generations from the Atlantean continental realm of the New World toward the middle of what is now the "Old World". Why was Atlantis lost in time? The global trade links of the Atlantean Maritime Kingdom -- ruled by King Atlas, who once governed the many colonial outpost and trade centers that were created during this nautical migration of early humans from the Atlantean realm, were destroyed by a catastrophic global atmospheric event caused by a rogue comet as it crashed into the sun. Now perhaps the most important question -- in fact, the very question that can unlock the mystery of the Atlantean subject if answered properly, is when did this catastrophic global atmospheric event take place? My two decades of historical research suggest a new timeline view that the age of Atlantis may have lasted several centuries or even several millenniums, but that the antediluvian capital seaport city -- and the global trade links it once directed, was destroyed just before the first Olympiad event. However, since I have discovered several huge mathematical mistakes established by certain historical publishers some five centuries ago, the conventional A.D. timeline should be corrected to show that the first Olympiad event took place -- not some twenty-seven or so centuries ago as recorded in conventional history books, but rather only some nine centuries ago. So, if understood properly, the idea that Atlantis -- the capital seaport, the continental realm and the global maritime kingdom, was lost in time just over nine centuries ago. I realize that my new timeline theory seems too radical to be believed by most readers at first, but the theory can be explained as a plausible concept in not only dating the age of Atlantis, but also seeing a whole new way of dating human history.
Reporter 3: I'm sorry, I have to interrupt here at this point in your statements. You know from our previous interviews that although you have argued your new timeline theory of when Atlantis was destroyed many times -- and I must admit I sometimes still have a hard time in believing your explanations, your radical timeline theory that all dated events of conventional human history from before five centuries ago are annually wrong is perhaps the very reason why other historians of the scientific community -- as well as some editors of the general media services, have and will continue to ignore because it exceeds the comprehension abilities of most readers. So, until you can better explain when Atlantis existed in simpler terms, the odds of success in promoting your book project to mainstream literature will be small. As I've stated before during previous interviews, perhaps you need to create a separate book project that specifically argues why the timeline of conventional human history is wrong and your version of human history is right.
Duane: Well, perhaps you may be right -- I could create a separate book project that would just argue a new timeline of human history. But right now, to make an analogy, I can only afford a small two burner "research stove" -- with my greater Spirit of Atlantis book project on the front burner and my Lost Fountain book project on the back burner. I have neither the time or the financial resources to start another book project. So, until I do, readers of my research work who care to understand my timeline version of human history -- and thus perhaps learn the true aspects of when Atlantis existed, will just have to study what I've already written. Perhaps something I've already stated about my new timeline theories will someday soon make sense to some influential editor of some major research institution and get republished -- resulting in the attention the theory needs to succeed in the mainstream media.
Reporter 3: Because most historians are apparently comfortable with the conventional timeline of human history -- and could be uncomfortable in trying to learn your new radical timeline, do you really think your timeline theory has a chance in succeeding in the mainstream media?
Duane: However small the chance exist, I need to try to explain my version of the annual accountability of human history because I feel I have discovered important historical data that attempts to correct major mistakes in the conventional timeline.
Reporter 3: Repeating an old adage, "if it is not broken -- don't attempt to fix it". Apparently you believe the conventional timeline of human history is broken and needs to be fixed. If your new timeline theory regarding the much smaller annual accountability of historical dates from before five centuries ago is ever proven true over time -- and it becomes an historical fact in modern history books, it seems that only then the real subject of Atlantis and the dated destruction of the Atlantean Maritime Kingdom can be properly understood.
Duane: Perhaps, but like I've said before, the subject of Atlantis and the subject of a new timeline of human history are linked together so tight that they are virtually one subject. Actually, perhaps you have it backwards. Instead of what you just suggested in which the discovery of true history will reveal the real Atlantis -- perhaps the real discovery of Atlantis will reveal true history. But either way, both the discovery of Atlantis and the rediscovery of human history should be major news someday soon.
Reporter 1: How is your Lost Fountain book project coming along and have you made any new discoveries regarding the Fountain of Youth legend?
Duane: What I've learned from some persons familiar with my Lost Fountain book project is that they are intrigue with the view in which the Fountain of Youth legend is based on some facts and is not entirely fiction. Like the subject of Atlantis, if understood properly, the legendary story does have a factual base and should be reconsidered by modern historians as a source of remarkable discovery. Many people from around the world hear or read the term "fountain of youth" several times a year but know little or nothing about the original story. My Lost Fountain book project attempts to reveal some important facts regarding how the story was created in Western Literature nearly five centuries ago and why the modern sciences of chemistry, nutrition and geological hydrology may explain the real story behind the legend. The entire book project is still available online at www.lostfountain.com and any new discoveries should appear there. I do hope to create one or more small MPEG movie files next year with scenes of Florida Bay and Key Largo areas that would show the places I talk about in my book project.
Reporter 1: It would be nice just to see any new scenes of the area. Perhaps you could just post some simple pictures of the unique area at your website in the meantime.
Duane: That's a good idea -- I'll look into what I can do regarding posting some more scenery pictures at my Lost Fountain website.
Reporter 2: Do you have any views regarding Atlantis and the current political events of today?
Duane: Let's see -- as of this interview, it seems that the United States of America and its political allies would like the government of the country named Iraq to fundamentally change its existing leadership because they believe the type of democracy in use there is not a true democracy. Without a true democracy, leadership becomes extremely corrupt until it fails because the needs of the general public are not being met. The longer it stays corrupt, the bigger the failure. And looking back to the antediluvian age of Atlantis and the geo-political problems it had with the kingdoms of ancient Babylonia and Assyria, the area in question today is pretty much the same area now called Iraq. Now according to my perspective, an inevitable change of leadership event will take place which will result in a new government that could practice a true democracy for the country of Iraq. Because a true democracy depends on a pluralistic governing party system, Iraq -- and for that matter several other dictatorial countries also in question, needs help in establishing the proper rules of democracy. Whether this inevitable change of leadership event is relatively short or long lasting, only time will tell. In applying some theoretical historical concepts to the current situation, when the aggressive Assyrian king by the name of Nimrod threaten the seafaring and farming inhabitants of ancient Phoenicia with military force using weapons related to the "Tower of Babel" design, the western rulers of the Atlantean Maritime Kingdom attempted to police the area and stop the invasion. What ensued was a series of Biblical battles that where documented in the Old Testament. So, perhaps the police action that needs to take place in the ancient Babylonian region of what is now part of the "Middle East" will result in eliminating a tyrant who, if left in place, would continue to acquire the technology to harm his neighbors -- not to mention his own citizens. The old adage of "absolute power corrupts absolutely" applies to the costly idea of not practicing true democracy.
Reporter 2: You have theorized in your book project that the Biblical "Tower of Babel" was once a great particle-beam machine device which was built by the Assyrian king named Nimrod -- and that it was used as a "radio beacon" to transmit wireless messages. You have also suggested that this great "tower of pale light" somehow exploded or "fell down" during the Biblical Flood event and left a great "bottomless pit" when the crater container base blew out because the metallic fuel within the beam became unstable. If such a remarkable technology ever existed in antediluvian times, how come modern scientist have not found evidence of the site or have not recreated similar technology using modern chemistry?
Duane: Good questions. I can only answer your questions with more theories. Perhaps the site in question lies underwater within the Dead Sea -- or maybe some other place not yet discovered. As I've stated before, some modern scientist may have knowledge as to how to recreate a controlled particle-beam tool, but are not eager to advertise the technology for security or military reasons. Although the technology in question is capable of apocalyptic proportions, imagine if the technology could be tamed into a small cone-like tower device for entertainment reason. Perhaps small swirling electromagnetic cone-like towers of colorful light could be used as -- say, Christmas trees someday. Or perhaps this plasma force energy could be used as small blade-like beams that could be attached to a spinning motor shaft to create prop thrust for future aircraft. However the technology is used -- or abused, just because it may seem theoretical today doesn‘t mean it did not exist in antediluvian times -- or will not exist in the future.
Reporter 2: Particle-beam Christmas trees -- now that's an entertainment concept that pushes the imagination envelope. This theoretical particle-beam technology may have some interesting uses, but, as you yourself said, it can -- and apparently was abused as a weapon. Do you really want to "let the genie out of the bottle" by revealing the details in how works?
Duane: I don't know how it works -- I only theoretically know how it works. I can only imagine how it was once used -- and can be used again. It's like modern nuclear technology -- it can be used or abused. In fact, it is nuclear technology -- just a different version. If understood properly and used for peaceful purposes, it may provide a source of safe and clean energy. For example, imagine the recycling capabilities if used compound materials within garbage could be separated byway of particle-beam incinerators. Whether this technology is a good genie or bad genie, like a phoenix, it will be rediscovered.
Reporter 2: Ok, could you give us a good glimpse of the future if this technology was rediscovered?
Duane: Alright, perhaps one technological breakthrough would be the use of particle-beam props in the field of aeronautics. Instead of complex and expensive conventional props for aircraft propulsion, simple spinning particle-beam props could be used to "warp" the atmosphere inside a thrust chamber motor design. If the cost of air travel could be reduced substantially, then greater communication links between trading nations would result -- which could help establish a more peaceful world in the future. Living within a more peaceful world than now would be a good thing.
END 20th INTERVIEW 12/02
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