spiritofatlantis.com | Duane K. McCullough

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Duane K. McCullough 8/10

by Duane McCullough

This 23nd interview was written by the author in response to possible questions regarding the book: SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS / The Treasure Adventure. Although there are three fictional reporters asking questions about the many views presented in the book, the questions asked are meant to inspire the public into discovering the truth and reality about Atlantis. The public is welcome to republish this "press conference" - however, any republication of this interview should include this web site address or HTML link to the www.spiritofatlantis.com web site.

Dateline: 8/10 / Place: Rosman, North Carolina

Duane: First, let me update an important aspect of my SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS book project and second, make a quick statement as to the current status of the project.

While recently researching the numerical value of what I believe is an ancient measurement formula once used by our Atlantean ancestors regarding the origin of the twelve-inch foot, I discovered a mistake I made long ago and have since corrected it. The origin of the twelve-inch foot is very important because it is linked to the yard measurement -- which, in turn, is linked to the stadia measurement used by Plato in measuring the Atlantean seaport city and surrounding plain that helps reveal the whereabouts of Atlantis.

The value formula I stated in earlier versions of the book project was that a cubic foot equals about 61.8 pounds of water and was based on the pound weight of cacao beans from the Caribbean Basin area of the New World.

That part of the value formula has not changed, but I also suggested that about 200 cacao beans equaled about 1 pound. This suggestion has now been corrected to reflect the new measurement view that because the average cacao bean equals about 1 gram per bean, it would take the weight of roughly 373 cacao beans instead of 200 to equal 1 pound.

What this new measurement view now implies is that the origin of both the "12-inch foot" and the "metric gram" have a common link with the cubic mass weight of water and the pound value. Using this new value formula we can now see that 1 cacao bean native to the Caribbean Basin of the New World equals 5 carats -- or 5 carob beans native to the Mediterranean area of the Old World.

This new measurement view is also interesting because the origin of the gram measurement -- which is the base unit of the decimal metric value system, may be actually based on the weight of a cacao bean native to the New World. I could go on about the numerical weight values of ancient mass to length measurements, but as I stated earlier, let me make a quick statement as to the current status of the book project work.

Any hard copy versions of my SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS book project may have to wait till next year due to the low operating capital and time available this year. In the meantime, much like it has been for over a decade, I continue to slowly update the latest version online.

Now your questions please.

Reporter 1: Do you think about the subject of Atlantis everyday?

Duane: I would say yes -- but I guess that there are days when I have to do other things not related to the subject, I may skip a day or so. I have to say that by not watching television for the last three years -- and not wanting to watch television because of the waste of time it is to do so, I have much more time to be productive with home and work projects. I should also say that because I'm still somewhat of a "news junky", I do search the Internet daily for subjects that may be related to the subject of Atlantis.

Reporter 1: Why do you believe that watching television is a waste of time?

Duane: Because, in my opinion, the medium of television is currently way overburden with advertisements of unuseful products and services that consume personal time which could be used to be productive. Time spent on the Internet searching for information is by far more efficient than having to waste time watching unwanted advertisements on television searching for information. Much of my home screen entertainment time is now spent learning from documentary programs and movies found on Netflix which have virtually no unwanted advertisements. I'm also sorry to say in my opinion that many television programs themselves are a waste of time because they offer virtually nothing but fiction which does little to inspire the scientific mind -- at least my scientific mind. And those television programs that are reality based which are meant to entertain are too few for me to subscribe to a satellite or cable service -- besides, many of them are now found on the Internet anyway if I find the need to spend time to watch them.

I don't mean to be so down on television, but it seems so useless at times. Some people use television as a kind of electric companion and apparently feel less lonely with program noise from their set when they aren't even watching it. In any case, the unimportant information that emanates from television sets nowadays, I see and hear as noise -- and therefore, with very few exceptional programs, consider the medium as a waste of time.

Reporter 2: If a story appeared today on the Internet by a large reputable news service that verified your discovery theory about a prehistoric seaport in Central America and suggested the place may be the lost city of Atlantis, would that surprise you?

Duane: Yes and no. Yes, I would be pleasantly surprised because I've assumed that large reputable news services have ignored my work for so long for reasons unknown, a news story about the discovery of Atlantis in Central America would be unexpected and welcomed. And yet, I would not be surprise because I've been expecting for over two decades a news story from large reputable news services about the discovery of the lost Atlantean seaport in Central America.

I have suggested before in earlier records that because I don't know if any of the prehistoric seaport exist intact or whether the exact place lies under the swamp mud near Lake Izabal in Central America or is at the bottom of the lake itself, any new archeological find of such a place may be hard to verify. In other words, the place may never be verifiable because of the catastrophic geological event that destroyed it beyond current technology to find it.

My theory about the location of Plato's lost Atlantean seaport in Central America may remain only a theory unless or until it is found by tools from as yet unknown technology that can peer into the surface area from above and reveal some large circular shape quarry work or canal system created in prehistoric times.

I have also suggested in earlier records that the area in question may be exposed to destructive habits from treasure hunters if ever the theoretical site was verified by new technology -- so, this theoretical discovery should be thought through to protect the site if it ever is found.

Reporter 3: Speaking of verifying theories, your new one-thousand year timeline length of recorded human history theory, if ever verified and accepted as fact by academia, would significantly change most all of anthropological, archeological, biblical, and even some astronomical history. Have you any comment regarding, in your opinion, how, when and where would such an upgrade of information take place?

Duane: Well, first, let me clarify one thing about the new one-thousand year timeline length of recorded human history theory you are referring too in which I advocate that the first Biblical patriarch named Adam existed only about a thousand years ago. The viewpoint I want to clarify is that although my theory is based on new timeline compression formulas which have concluded recorded human history is actually only about a thousand years in length, I also have recently suggested that the unrecorded history of humans is perhaps at least a thousand years before Adam.

Second, your question suggest that academia has one voice from which to direct the how, when and where the public should abandon the existing A.D. timeline and follow a new smaller timeline of human history.

It would be nice if the educational systems of the world could speak with one voice and agree on a new annual timeline format or calendar that is closer to the truth than what is currently used, but such a view would probably require many years or some kind of event to make that happen. Perhaps the United Nations could participate in implementing a new calendar that would upgrade global timekeeping history into a new calendar.

(UPDATE 10/2018)
Because of a new political understanding of how Socialism works, I do not believe the United Nations -- or any known global government system to date, is currently qualified to implement a new global calendar system. A new upgrade from conventional historical records to a true timeline of human history and a new calendar, should take into account the data I have discovered -- and carefully understand the political factors as to who or what entity should be responsible for mass publishing said calendar.

As far as upgrading conventional anthropological, archeological, biblical and astronomical timelines, there seems to be much work in store for modern historians in these categories.

It would be a very ambitious project to coordinate the work in balancing the cultural histories of the world into a new calendar. Imagine the discoveries of learning when ancient personalities truly existed. Also, imagine the many arguments that would arise during this calendrical work as to who came before who in time -- and how many years ago certain important historical events truly took place.

There would need to be a special institute to gather and consolidate this new timeline data -- a unique place where fellow educators could objectively develop and publish the "official" timeline of human history.

Reporter 2: Regarding what you stated earlier about the origin of the twelve-inch cubic foot measurement being linked to the numerical weight of water in pounds and how the weight of the cacao bean may have been the original source of the gram measurement, could you elaborate for us on these subjects a little more so we can better understand your views?

Duane: Sure -- as I stated earlier, the reason I brought the subject up was to correct an earlier mathematical mistake I made in older versions of my book project about the numerical count of how many cacao beans would add up to one pound. I stated that about 200 cacao beans would equal one pound when, in fact, roughly 373 beans is closer to the truth.

Having stated these views, I would like to also explain again how the twelve-inch foot is related to the yard measurement -- which is linked to the stadia measurement used by Plato in measuring the layout of the Atlantean seaport and surrounding plain.

Now, to elaborate on these views a little and to further clarify how the numerical weight values of ancient mass to length measurements are important in studying history, let me reveal a few views that should raise an eyebrow or two.

I learned that the weight of a dried cacao bean probably averages to about 1 gram per bean. I made this conclusion based on an old British study whereby they weighed carob beans from the Mediterranean area and concluded that the average carob bean weighed one-fifth of a gram -- or one carat per carob bean. I also found Internet data that suggested the weight of cacao beans is variable much like the carob bean, but averages about one gram per bean -- or about the weight of a small plastic pen cap. So, after counting all these beans, one could ask who is responsible for the pound measurement and where did it originate?

Well, I have my theories and they point to the seafaring natives of the North Atlantic better known as the Atlanteans who needed a weight to length standard measurement system for trade and commerce. Because there exist at least two versions of the pound -- as in the "12-unit troy pound", and the other "16-unit pound", it is hard to find the original weight of the first pound measurement. In any case, the original pound weight, however it was divided and measured was probably based on the weight value of a bean from the Caribbean that was once used as food and money for trade.

Again, understanding the true origins of these ancient measurements is important if one wants to understand the truth of our own origins.

There exist an ongoing effort in modern science to eliminate the Imperial measurement value system in favor of the decimal metric value system because of the numerical advantage of counting in decimal values. Perhaps because the true origin of the foot and yard measurement is now better understood, the effort to eliminate the Imperial measurement value system by modern scientist should be reconsidered. The decimal metric value system may have some numerical advantages over the Imperial value system but both systems can be used to verify each other and the result is better measurement technology.

Reporter 1: Could you give us some comments regarding your personal views on current global issues such as religion, politics, economics and the weather?

Duane: Well, I favor Christianity over other forms of worship not only because of my Baptist upbringing but because it seems like a nice way to behave. I should add that I give thanks to the almighty in my own personal way and prefer a quieter unsocial method of communicating with the supreme being known as God.

Politically, I'm somewhat of a conservative with an eye out for some liberal views. As far as economics -- I say carefully shoot the bears and carefully run with the bulls. And yes, it sure seems like it's getting warmer around the globe -- and we all should feel some guilt in polluting our environment with our "spare" exhaust gasses, but to come up with a scheme to tax carbon units seems crazy.

Speaking of crazy taxing schemes, the current taxing game employed by the federal government should be abandon in my view. I mean, almost throw the baby out with the bath water -- get rid of all those rules that were added over time for reasons to complex to explain.

The federal government does not need to collect money from their citizens every year because they print up their own money anyway. Honest information about the citizenry on the other hand is what the federal government needs to collect. With honest information about the citizenry restricted to census like data, the federal government can decide on how much money to print or allot each year.

If the federal government wants to capture bad people who cheat somehow by acquiring more money than what some believe they deserve, there must be other ways to bring public justice without maintaining the burden of a huge bureaucracy like the IRS in trading annual funds with the general public. Imagine the freedom from unnecessary paperwork and how both the public and the government would have more time to pursue better business goals.

Reporter 1: What do you do with your spare time?

Duane: Well, if what you mean by "spare" time as in time not planned or time in between work projects, I guess I have these brainstorming events developing my art projects on the computer or I mess around with my music making instruments. I also enjoy fiddling about in the yard, like to take adventures in the nearby forest and waterfalls with my cameras, watch a little Netflix or explore the earth using the Google Earth program. Faster than a speeding UFO, using Google Earth is a great way to spend "spare" time.

I have many computer programs in which to explore virtual model and map making projects that simulate situations or environments which educate and entertain. Programs like Google's SkectUp or Microsoft's Flight Simulator X are fun to use. One of the best little free 3D model program I use alot is the Anim8or program -- it can do wonders in model making if you have the time to learn it. And of course, there are many console games on my X-Box I use to pass my "spare" time like off-road car racing. I'm not a particular fan of "shooter programs" because when I enter a virtual world, I don't enjoy dealing with the fear of being shot at by someone or something all the time. It's amazing that such an industry of fear and terror controls so much of the virtual gaming environment. Apparently, many people are willing to pay a lot of time and money to simulate shooting at targets and destroying things.

Personally, I would rather spend time designing objects and creating virtual worlds to explore using the many CAD programs I have than spend time shooting and destroying objects from some violent game program.

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