spiritofatlantis.com | Duane K. McCullough

Our Political Memes V12.2

by Duane K. McCullough

These political views are not directly related to the subject of Atlantis, but many do relate to the subject of a one world government -- which I believe Atlantis was in ancient times.

Because much has been said and shown lately on the INTERNET about how a tyranical political concept -- known as the NEW WORLD ORDER, has hijacked public control of our governmental institutions using private corporations, I would like to explain and share some of my views that I hope can help stop this evil concept from succeeding.

If people throughout the world truely treasure personal freedom and liberty, they should also take action against this evil NEW WORLD ORDER concept. Using the ideaological forces of secular SOCIALISM, godless COMMUNISM -- and the supremacist propaganda stories of tribal ZIONISM, to monopolize the geopolitical power within our world in the name of GLOBALISM, this evil NEW WORLD ORDER concept have caused great harm to humanity for way over a century.

The original purpose of this exercise was not to personally insult anybody -- but to call out the many false political concepts that I have seen online that were presented during and after the contentious 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION event.

While viewing the election event using the INTERNET -- instead of TELEVISION and other Marxist MAINSTREAM MEDIA mob brainwashing tools, I have come to realize that a greater event story is unfolding across the world. This story explains how the political forces behind GLOBALISM are trying to destroy the sovereignty of capitalistic nations around the world in order to gain more control over people and world resorces.

And because of the recent political actions of the GLOBAL ELITE club members and their Masonic DEEP STATE gang enforcers -- particularly since the Coronavirus PLANdemic scam event of 2020, I feel compelled to share these political views with the public from my SPIRITOFATLANTIS.COM website.

In summary,
to reference the 16th century poet John Donne -- who first wrote the term "No man is an island", we are all part of the "Island of Mankind" -- and to thrive as a society, each one of us needs our sovereign right to be independent humans -- known as individualism, without some bad group of people pushing over us the politics of socialism or communism -- known as collectivism.

The people who progressively push governmental SOCIALISM as a means to build a utopian state, are not helping society because the power of politics will always corrupt government leaders overtime -- who make too many rules that destroy real human freedoms within society.

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