By Duane McCullough
The story of Atlantis is history's greatest mystery
Most of the following Press Release was first written by me in 1988 -- and at the time, I thought
it would be used as reference material by the mainstream media news services in announcing the
possible discovery of the lost prehistoric seaport of Atlantis in Central America.
As the years went by, it became obvious to me that the mainstream media news services were not particularly
interested in speculative discovery stories about mythical places such as the lost prehistoric seaport
of Atlantis without solid evidence of its location.
And without the marketing powers of these news services, my SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS book project
has apparently lingered in the backwaters of the Internet while inspiring only the occasional email reply from
some who have found the time to realize the value of my research.
So, while searching for solid scientific evidence as to the location of the prehistoric seaport of Atlantis, I have also
spent my time researching the story about what happened to the seaport city -- and when it was destroyed in time.
More important than the discovery of the lost seaport of Atlantis to me has been the realization of who were the
real Atlanteans that created the once powerful Trans-continental Maritime Kingdom in prehistoric times.
Well -- in the Spring of 2017, while using the Google Earth program to study the area in question, I have found
solid scientific mapping evidence that can prove that the lost seaport city really does exist in Central America.
These maps show the location of history's greatest mystery -- the site area of Atlantis.
Also shown are certain quotes by Plato regarding his description of where Atlantis
once existed in the western Atlantic.
Visual proof of the canal system that was once part of the Atlantean seaport area can now be verified
on Google Earth. The primary clue can be seen in the 10 Nautical Mile line on the western side of the
ancient canal system that once supported the Capital Seaport of Atlantis in the "lost continent" of what
is now America.
I have overlaid important graphical data of my own design onto a Google map that outlines my
understanding of Plato's story -- and the above map shows the incredible engineering efforts that was
once accomplished by the Atlantean planners.
However, in 2017, conclusive mapping evidence of the nearby canal network that once supported the lost Atlantean Seaport was discovered using the Google Earth program. This discovery was revealed at the website -- but has not been mentioned in any mainstream media news services for reasons unknown to date.
Although the discovery of this lost seaport is a major step toward solving history's greatest mystery, it is only part of many new revelations regarding the Atlantean phenomenon.
Revealed within this project is how Plato acquired the legendary sea-story of Atlantis and why its remarkable capital seaport city disappeared in the western Atlantean realm during the Biblical Flood event.
Also revealed is a new anthropological concept in which the area natives of the New World did not originate in Eurasia -- and did not migrate to the New World continent across the "Bering Sea ice bridge" during the last Ice Age event as theorized in conventional history textbooks, but are, in fact, the local survivors of the Atlantean Maritime Kingdom.
Moreover, the book project uncovers the prehistoric binary alphabet of the Atlanteans and traces its mathematical origins to both the Olmec natives of Middle America and the Britanic Armorican seafaring culture of the North Atlantic.
But perhaps the most important and significant discovery about the Atlantean phenomenon is the realization of when the Atlantean civilization existed in time.
When Plato documented the details of a large Atlantean culture from the western realm and how it was engulfed by a great flood long ago -- he was not writing fiction.
But after extensive review of Plato's writings -- and other mythical stories of Greek, Roman, Norse and Arabian cultures, the subject of Atlantis is more aligned with a true account of ancient antediluvian history than some writers of conventional history would have us believe.
Although Plato mentions little about a device capable of creating a bright beam of energy, he does describe in great detail how the circular city of Atlantis was created when the place was carved out of a rock hill by what seemed to be some sort of cutting torch -- in fact, he said the city was created using "a lathe" device.
Theoritical evidence of cutting torch design technology can be found in Central America by comparing certain cup-like parabolic iron lenses -- once used by Olmec shaman as "head-lamp" devices or "smoking mirrors", with the knowledge that, if filled with specific chemical crystalloid substances -- such as ilmenite sand -- which has electromagnetic, piezo-electric and gyromagnetic properties, the "lamp lens" could release a caustic zone of spinning plasma-like energy, capable of scoring through stone.
Perhaps popular mythical legends -- such as the Holy Grail and the Magic Lamp of Arabian fame, are actually elaborate stories of a cup-like parabolic "lamp lens" device that once gave enormous power to its operator.
Examples of incredible stone cutting technology that was once used to build prehistoric temples are found throughout the world -- and reveal technological evidence of a lost civilization that only the Maritime Kingdom of Atlantis could explain.
Imagine what kind of spin-off technologies would have been developed if, for example, our ancestors once created some sort of "particle beam device" capable of alchemically beaming gyromagnetic energy from a parabolic lens!
Imagine if this whirling column of gyromagnetic energy produced a fountain-like piezo-electric static field that was capable of broadcasting binary wireless amplitude modulation information from a nearby vibrating crystal microphone -- what a treasure it would be to find one and display it in some museum!
Perhaps the original "Ark of the Covenant" was in reality a transportable crystal-radio station device that beamed a fiery fountain pillar of whirling energy into the sky and performed as an "electrostatic antenna". Was the fiery tabernacle -- or "burnning bush" device, that Moses used when he communicated with "the Lord", a real radio tool machine?
Perhaps letting the genie out of his lamp can be dangerous!
While Plato does not specifically mention that the Atlantean civilization used any form of air transportation vehicles, he does describes in great detail how an elaborate "chariot" once stood in the main temple at the center of the city -- near the "altar of Atlantis", and that the craft was drawn by several "winged" horses.
Maybe the central temple was a hangar that housed an elaborate flying machine -- held together with rivets that were painted as eyes, so as to confuse onlookers into thinking the aircraft was alive.
Could the mythical chariots of Helios, Apollo and Auriga be of the same design that once flew across our ancient skies? According to the Old Testament, the biblical prophet Ezekiel saw one of these remarkable "flying chariots" and was even given a ride by God himself!
Is it possible that the aeronuatical technology which was once used in these lost flying machines was based on a forgotten aviation science created by the Atlanteans in antediluvian times?
Perhaps these remarkable mythical airborne vehicles of the ancient past have nothing to do with alien technology or interplanetary spaceships -- but were, in fact, amazing and highly decorated steam powered flying "quad-copter" platform vehicle designs -- which looked somewhat like the famous drawing found on the sarcophagus lid in a Mayan temple at Palenque.
The idea that heavy metal steam power motors could ever be used in a helicopter-like ship design seems hard to believe -- but light-weight ceramic fittings and brass tubular pipes used to contain and redirect steam energy -- together with "particle-beam props", are technological concepts that could help explain how our Atlantean ancestors were once able to pilot "flying chariots" over great distantces long ago.
If our Atlantean ancestors once used elaborate and highly decorated flying machines to mesmerize the masses in antediluvian times -- and no conventional history book ever mentions that possibility, its no wonder that many mythical stories are misunderstood and thought as fictional reading material.
The Spirit of Atlantis book project and website also describes how the Atlantean culture once employed another flying device to herald the presence of a royal representative.
Perhaps the mythical hero story of how the Greek messenger of the gods named Hermes piloted his "wondrous ram" near the sea cliffs and rescued two children from certain death was based on a true event! Maybe the earliest treasure story in Western History was a misunderstood legend about an elaborate ram-like kite design -- perhaps the "Golden Fleece" design can be built again and future aircraft designs will use the simple foil-wing shape to carry people and payloads great distances again.
After decades of extensive historical research into ancient lunar and solar calendars, new compelling mathematical data now suggests a new radical timekeeping revelation theory in which the event dates of conventional ancient history -- specifically Biblical, Greco-Roman and Medieval history, were incorrectly formulated and compiled by certain influential Judaic scholars and publishers during the early Renaissance.
This new radical timekeeping revelation theory implies that because these newfound timeline errors fundamentally and substantially exaggerated the annual truth of ancient history, a much smaller version of the present day conventional B.C./A.D. time-line should be adopted by modern historians. Why no historian since the Renaissance bothered to recognized and attempt to correct these large timeline errors within conventional calendars is also theorized.
By carefully presenting the calendrical evolution of specific timetables from both Old and New World cultural histories, use of this new timeline theory would significantly change the event dates of all of Western History and reveal the real age of Atlantis.
To better explain this new radical timeline revelation theory so modern historians can better understand the true dates of our ancient past and how the Atlantean Age relates to it, the following historical views of how Biblical, Greco-Roman and Medieval timeline periods were incorrectly compiled and formulated during the early Renaissance, should help correct and consolidate these annual timeline values that makeup Western History.
There now exist a novel historical concept that, because certain Biblical scholars confused annual time count value records with lunar time count value records during early Biblical translations, the conventional timeline of Biblical history needs a major historical review and update by modern historians.
For example, the Biblical patriarch named Methuselah was said to have lived 969 "years" -- however, since 969 months equals approximately 79 solar years, the idea that the true age of the patriarch -- and perhaps several other important Biblical time count summations, have been greatly overestimated since the first versions of the Holy Bible were published in print by Judaic scholars only about 500 years ago.
The Jubilee count value was another way for historians to "measure" Biblical History -- and because new historical data now suggest several types of Jubilees were once used by biblical time-keepers -- such as a 1-year, a 4-year, a 7-year, and a 50-year Jubilee time period, some Biblical History has been miscalculated to the wrong Jubilee value during the early printing age -- which resulted in a larger annual time-line value than the truth.
Therefore -- the conventional dates of Biblical history are incorrect -- and the following timeline counts of other important periods within Western History -- prior to the Renaissance, will need correction as well.
The second calendrical error concept published by scholars during the early Renaissance is founded on a new historical viewpoint that the original 292 Olympiad ceremonies used to date historical events of the Greek and Roman empires were actually annual ceremonies -- and not 4-year events as recorded in the conventional B.C./A.D. time-line.
This novel calendrical revelation advocates the seemingly impossible concept that the conventional historical events of the Greek and Roman empires lasted not over a thousand years together -- but, in reality, less than three centuries together. Since Greco-Roman history is also dated to a "rulers list" of important leaders, and because such a dated list is "geared" to the Olympiad time count, this new timeline theory suggest that the birth of Christ took place at the 194 th Olympiad -- or only 776 seasons after the first Olympiad.
The reason why this new annual Olympiad theory exist is founded on new chronological data as to how our agrarian ancestors kept a "seasonal log of annual time" for planting and harvesting reasons -- long before any 4-year "leap-day" event ceremony associated with the Julian Calendar or modern sporting Olympic games story of origin.
Therefore -- the conventional dates of Greco-Roman history are incorrect and need to be updated to truthfully understand the annual dates of Western History.
The third, and perhaps most difficult to believe calendrical period in question, is the approximate 1100-year time value called the Middle Ages. Basically, the time period between the last Olympiad of 392 A.D. -- wherein the Roman Empire was divided into the western and eastern halves, and the beginning of the Renaissance -- or about some five and half centuries ago, lies the Middle Ages.
Some books give the approximate beginning of the Middle Ages at the time Rome was "sacked" by the "barbarian invasions" in 476 A.D., while other theories suggest that the last Olympiad of 392 A.D. was the end of ancient history, but whatever the case, according to the conventional B.C./A.D. timeline of Western History, there exist at least a thousand year time period that fell "in the middle" between ancient and modern history.
This book project suggest that the true annual timeline value of the Middle Ages is a much, much smaller time value than the conventional B.C./A.D. time-line would have us believe. New historical data suggest the idea that it was not until the discovery of the New World by seafaring explorers did Old World timekeepers -- which included influential Judaic scholars and new printing press technology, did the "official version" of Western History make its way to the book shelves for teaching reasons.
In other words, all the conventional dates of Western History -- prior to the discovery of the New World -- which include Biblical, Greco-Roman and the Middle Ages, were "created and packaged" for public reading by influential Judaic publishers roughly about five centuries ago.
Some of this research is based on coin dating data -- such as no A.D. dates can be found on any coins beyond about six centuries ago, and also on the possibility that the very few literate scholars of the Middle Ages, while numerically dating history, may have misunderstood certain numerical symbol values from early number systems which were developing at the time.
Moreover, this research book project has located an important Renaissance document that may have been the very source of why the conventional B.C./A.D. timeline is incorrect. THE NUREMBERG CHRONICLE by a German publisher named Hartmann Schedel illustrates a timeline formula of Western History from Adam to the Renaissance that weaves Biblical, Greco-Roman and Medieval history.
The idea that any one document could establish the foundation of Western History seems impossible until certain facts are understood as to how the early printing era and the power of religious doctrine can influence official timekeeping.
The basic math is simple. If 100 years were divided by 4.5 years (fourth and fifth year), the answer is 22.22+. So if 22.22+ leap days were added to 100 years of 365 days each, the answer is 36522.22+ days. Add to this one leap day every 50-years (Jubilee count) and you have 36524.22+ days every 100 years - or 365.2422 days a year! This calendrical revelation suggest the idea that our Atlantean ancestors used a solar calendar as accurate than even today's conventional Gregorian calendar.
For nearly a century, conventional Middle American historians who study Mayan history have focused on a popular 360-day count theory -- wherein 5 extra days were added at the end of the year to a count of 18 "months" at 20 days per month to equal 365 days per year.
This popular time-count theory suggest that 260 days were added every 52-years to a "parallel" calendar count known as the "Tzolkin calendar" to account for an average of 365 days a year -- however, the theory does not explain how the time count formula would help an agrarian culture like the Maya keep a seasonal marker announcement system so that planting and harvesting could be on time -- therefore, the true use of it by the Maya is questionable.
Conventional Mayan historians have numerically assigned time values to five glyph symbols of the "initial series" found on temple monuments throughout the Mayan realm -- wherein a "cascading day count" formula places the start of Mayan calendar to over five-thousand years ago. However, this less than century old calendrical theory is now being challenged by a new time counting formula theory recently discovered.
For example, together with the step pyramid layout at Chichen Itza in the Yucatan, wherein four "seasonal" stairways at 91 "day" steps each equals a year count of 364 "days", this new time count formula theory suggest the use of a 7-day weekly count system and leap day formula was used by "time managers" in the New World long before Columbus "reintroduced" the 7-day weekly count system and leap day count formula from Europe.
By closely studying these Mayan time counting glyph symbols and assigning them different calendrical values, a new time-line of the Mayan civilization reveals a radical historical view that places their "golden age" within the Greco-Roman Era. This newly understood time count formula system of sequentially "marking time" suggest the Maya counted time from a managerial perspective -- that is, they only counted the five work days of a 7-day week. Much like how time is counted by managers today, the Maya counted time like it was a business.
If productivity was the driving force behind keeping time, then, according to this new time counting formula theory, the Maya only counted the total 260 working days of a 52-week year. Also, to account for a time unit between a week and a season, only count the total 20 working days of a 28-day month -- or 4 working weeks per month at 13 months a year.
The primary name given to this glyph symbol is "tun". The conventional value of it represents the year count -- however, new data suggest that the "tun" represents both the seasonal count and the year count. The "tun" whistle would sound at the beginning of every season and at the "year" day ceremony -- or 5 times every year. Add this count 4 times -- or 4 years, and the total value of 20 "tuns" would equal 1 "katun" -- wherein the whistle would sound again for the extra leap day. Mayan farmers would know when 4 years had elapsed when their local temple sounded for the "year" day, followed by the second day sound of the leap day -- and then followed again on the third day sound of the new season.
Since the Maya counted in the 20-base system, 20 "katuns" would total 80 years -- or the largest glyph symbol count called the "baktun". According to all the recorded calendrical count data currently found throughout the temples of Central America, the "baktun" count spans only between the value of 7 and 10 -- or about 3 "baktuns".
So, after adding this data together, the Maya recorded annual time for only about 3 "baktuns" -- or about 240 years. How this new Mayan calendar and cultural view of timekeeping in the New World fits into the true account of Western History is found later in this historical research book project.
The existence of Atlantis has always been difficult to prove because of the lack of hard evidence, but with the proper numerical and chronological evidence just stated, the lost civilization of Atlantis -- and its cultural identity in time, should become evident to those who are looking for it.
Also explained within this book project are the ideas that a rogue comet event caused the destruction of the Atlantean capital seaport in Biblical times -- and that the ancient Atlantean Maritime Kingdom of King Atlas is related to the modern United States of America experience -- which is part of an alliance system of "western nations". Perhaps the alliance systems associated with Western Civilization, represents a new federal Republic of Atlantis.
Readers of this book will have access to important information that can usher in a new age of scientific rediscovery that should make any historian wonder about how a forgotten common culture once governed much of the globe in ancient times. This new age of scientific rediscovery should also introduce a new understanding of ancient history and the many amazing technologies that were lost during the destruction of Atlantis.
From the agrarian knowledge behind the farming of the "Golden Apples" in the western Hesperian heavens of the Caribbean -- to a revived aeronautical design program that should invent new and simpler aircraft capable of reforming human travel as we now know it, SPIRIT OF ATLANTIS / The Treasure Adventure, is a fascinating feast for the imaginative mind.
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