spiritofatlantis.com | Duane K. McCullough

This image represents a hieroglyphical model of the English/Latin alphabet. New studies reveal that the symbols of the Latin alphabet are in fact based on pictorial renditions of important views in the early development of human communication. Seeded with vowel symbols, our modern alphabet is founded on the same phonetical rules once used in the Ogamic alphabet. The Ogamic/Armorican alphabet became the Latin/Phoenician alphabet over many generations.

Chapter 5: Mythical Pictographs

1/ The Latin letter "A" is thought to have symbolized the Phoenician concept of active energy - such as the upside down head of an "ox", which represented the most important animal of energy to the early farmer in plowing furrows or hauling cargo.

2/ But the maritime inhabitants of the Mediterranean realm who developed the Latin alphabet were mostly sailors not farmers - and the "ox" or "active energy source" to a sailboat is its sail and mast.

3/ It is believed that the sail and mast - or "wing", of a Phoenician vessel was a configuration now called a Lateen Rig, which is shaped like the capital letter "A" on its side.

4/ In fact, by translating the word "alphabet" from Hebraic concepts we find that "alpha" - or "aleph", equals "ox", and "bet" - or "beth", equals "house"; in other words, the word "alphabet" translates into the phrase "ox and house" - which symbolizes, in nautical terms, the definition of "a sailboat".

5/ Moreover, if the Arabic symbol of the Phoenician letter "B" represents the side view of a Phoenician style boat, then could the end view of that same pictographic boat portray the idea of an ancient twin-hull catamaran vessel?
(The glyphic origin of the Phoenician letter "B" can also be traced to the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol of "H" because the "House" or "Home" to a Phoenician sailor was his "Bed", "Berth" or "Boat" - thus the two squared "floor plan" pictograph of a house (H) equates into the nautical concept of the two half circle pictograph (B) of a sailor's "catamaran house")

This image represents the view that the first symbol of the Latin Alphabet is based on the visual design of the lateen sail rig used by the Phoenicians as a symbol of "active energy" - which evovled into the A-shaped kite-like aircraft design associated with the "wondrous ram" once known as the "Golden Fleece".

6/ And speaking of ancient "sailing vessels" with "A" shaped wings, the most remarkable mythological treasure item in early Greek history was article called the "Golden Fleece", which was first described as a "wondrous ram" capable of flight. (According to Greek legend, the "Golden Fleece" was a "wondrous ram" that flew down from the sky near a seaside cliff and rescued two children who were about to be sacrificed by a greedy princess)

7/ This legendary flying ram was also the winged vehicle in which Hermes or Mercury piloted to deliver messages for the mythological gods in Greco-Roman history.
(In Grecian mythology, the mother of Hermes was the goddess of Spring and daughter of Atlas called Maia)

8/ Imagine the historical significance if such a double sphenoid or ram-like shaped aircraft actually existed that far back in history and how it would have influenced Indo-European mythology.

9/ Picture Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, as graphically representing this remarkable legendary flying ram.

10/ Envision the ram-like Egyptian deity known as "Ammon" - or the "A-man", as representing the personification of an "arrow-shaped" deltoid hang-glider - or man carrying kite, with wings that symbolically resembled to a shepherd or farmer the flaring "horns" of the adult male sheep.

11/ Think of the historical relevance if the Biblical "golden calf" that Aaron (the brother of Moses) made was not a replica of a "small ox", but was actually a symbolical angel-like model of a "seraphic kite" which metaphorically resembled the wide and pointed horns of a young ox.
(In Hebraic theology, "seraphs" were serpent-like angel beings of the sky)

12/ Perhaps the symbolic snake and winged staff of Greek heritage, known as Hermes' Caduceus, really represents the enchanting and "alien" powers associated with the "serpent kite" of Middle America.
(The legendary Aeolian god of Greek medicine, known as Aesculapius, also held sacred the "snake and the cock" tool as part of his "psychotherapy treatment" of the sick.
[cock = flamboyant feathered bird = highly decorated kite]

13/ In fact, the graphical similarity between the medical Caduceus and the mythical symbol of Middle America's eagle-snake logo found on many Latin American coins, suggest the idea that both items represent the same concept of "serpentine flight" - wherein Quetzalcoatl's kite is also the same healing device in Greek mythology known as the "Caduceus wand".

14/ Furthermore, if we explore the twin lateen-wing design of a deltoid kite - together with a long snake-like tail slithering afterwards, it becomes evident that such a fabric and spar aircraft design was possible in mythical times.
(The triangular Rogallo hang-glider, once utilized by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to test experimental aircraft, is still the most portable and simplistic concept of human flight in existence today)

15/ If such visions of man-made flight and sail-powered vessels are found within the simple letters of "A" and "B", then perhaps some other important concepts within Indo-European mythology can be found within other letters of the Latin alphabet.

16/ The Latin letter of "C" may represent the graphical symbol of "time" because the object of early time-keeping was the crescent "moon" symbol.
(The "C" symbol also illustrates the numerical value of 100 in Roman number symbols because for every 100 "moons" there exist almost exactly eight solar years - in other words, the "C" symbol was once used to teach students the symbolic value of lunar-solar time keeping)
[29.5 days - or one month, times 99 equals 2920.5 days, while 2920 days divided by 365 days - or one year, equals eight solar years]

17/ The symbolic meaning of other letter symbols within the Latin Alphabet are explained in the accompanying charts of this chapter.

This image represents the view that many early symbols of the Latin Alphabet are based on simple concepts which reflect basic words of meaning if understood properly. Translation of the visual concepts within modern words that use the Latin Alphabet can be difficult because the art of making a simple statement from graphical concepts was lost over time by scholars who forgot or did not understand the visual history of the graphical Latin Alphbet.

18/ Regarding the symbolical origins of modern numerals, conventional history gives credit to the "Arabic traders" of about five-hundred years ago - however, it is interesting to note that the decimal concept value of zero (0) was Mayan in origin and that modern numerals were "invented" at about the same time Europeans discovered the New World.

19/ In the meantime, let us continue learning how the Latin alphabet evolved into the English version - and why this version is perhaps the most versatile form of alphanumerical communication ever invented.

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