spiritofatlantis.com | Duane K. McCullough

This view of the Atlantean realm includes the maritime parameters of the lost civilization before the Biblical flood. Also included is how the forgotten binary alphabet of the Atlanteans evolved into the Latin alphabet over many generations.

Chapter 6: The Language of the Angels

1/ While the pictographic alphabet of the Aeolian culture was laying the foundation to Western Society, Semitic merchants of the Phoenician region were also adapting the lineal efficiency of the new phonetic style of writing from the west and developed Canaanite and Aramaic chirography.
(The Hittites of Asia Minor also replicated the paragraphical method of phonetic communication but failed to established a right or left handed format of standard reading and spelling - which probably led to many confused interpretations of recorded information that resulted in major political disagreements among regional kingdoms)

2/ With the advent of papyrus paper from reed stalks by the "reed sea" in Egypt - and the purple inks from the murex shellfish discovered by the Phoenicians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians and even the Aryan tribes were now reading and writing information in paragraphical scripture.
(Merchants selling indigo dye or any long-lasting purple ink were referred to as "indians" by European traders)

3/ The Vedic Sanskrit alphabet of ancient India was perhaps the result of an alphabetical "compromise" between the paragraphical style of writing brought by the Aryan occupation of southwest Asia and the oriental pictographic statements brought by traders from the Far East.
(Notice how the main path line of the Ogamic, Hebraic and Sanskrit alphabets provide an easy linear track system for phonogramic information and realize which alphabet came first)

4/ While the Aryan tribes were marching eastwards the Assyrians took to the west and converted much of the Egyptian hieroglyphics into the cursive demotic style of writing.

5/ Meantime, in the northern part of the Middle East, the Hittites of Asia Minor also launched a military invasion toward the west, but were defeated by retaliating waves of Grecian tribes known, in part, as "the Sea Peoples".
(The Grecian tribes of the Aegean realm contested the Hellenic forces from Asia Minor when King Darius of Persia attempted to annex the region from the east - resulting in the infamous "Persian Wars")

The rebellious Hellenic Empire.

For there was a time, Solon, before the great deluge of all, when the city which is now Athens was first in war... She was preeminent in courage and military skill, and was leader of the Hellenes.
- Timaeus Dialogue / 23.c;25.c / Plato

6/ Shortly after the fall of the Assyrian Empire, a revised edition of western and eastern graphical symbols resulted in the Ionic Greek alphabet.
(The Ionic Greek alphabet also initiated the "phonetical rule of syntax" concept - wherein at least one vowel letter must exist within every "word" in order to qualify as a proper "unit of expression")

7/ Because this new Ionic alphabet was able to record paragraphical information like never before, democratic elections became possible for the first time due to a more comprehensible format of political literature.
(It was also at this time in Greek history that Plato created the first academy of the arts and sciences - which collectively transcribed from old alphabetical formats into books many international stories from abroad, such as the famous legend about Atlantis and its maritime kingdom)
[The notable Rosetta Stone illustrates three of the aforesaid alphabets in use within the eastern Mediterranean realm at that time]

8/ By the time this new Ionic alphabet made its way into Gothic Europe, it was altered into an orthographic set of letters known as the Runic alphabet.
(Much of our Norse mythology was recorded from Runic poetry found inscribed, like Ogam once was, on old wooden logs)
[In Norse mythology, there existed a heavenly city far to the west called Asgard where princess Freya could fly with the help of her "winged dress"]

9/ To prevent spelling problems, the "rule to the right" was adopted throughout most of Europe shortly after the Roman Empire - and its Latinized alphabet, reached its maximum range.
(The Cyrillic alphabet from the Byzantine part of the Roman Empire also used the "rule to the right" concept - even transcibing some letters in "reverse", such as the letters "R", "N" and sometime "E")

10/ With the fall of the Roman Empire, Anglo-Saxon merchants, together with other European scholars, initiated an upper and lower case alphabet in which Runic letters from Gothic Europe were united with uncial symbols from southern Europe and began the foundation to what is known as Old English.
(Many now believe that the fall of the Roman Empire can be traced directly to lead poisoning - whereby because the Romans were ignorant of how lead can slowly accumulate in the body from use of lead plumbing and, as a result, political leaders who were afflicted made poor judgments about governmental priorities which in turned caused disharmony and revolution)

11/ Because of the general desire to more efficiently express phonetical messages in literary terms, and due to the scriptorium facilities of Christian churches, this upper and lower case Latin alphabet was adopted by most European merchants by the time Columbus set sail across the Atlantic.

Alphabets of the world.

The Anglo-Saxon peoples of northern Europe may have invented the alphabetical rules of English, but the English vocabulary was developed over many generations throughout the world.

12/ Although there exists many different "flavors" of Latin in use today, as well as many other forms of paragraphical alphabets, it should be remembered that only the English version has achieved the magnificent technological ability of safe human space travel to the moon and back!
(Any good English dictionary will reveal that the words of the English language originated not just from the Anglo-Saxon folkways of the British Isles and northern Europe, but from many international maritime cultures - and when compared to other phonogramic alphabets, English retains greater typographical powers in reproducing alphanumerical concepts because it does not have to rely on little "accent mark" rules to complicate pronunciation and printing)
[The English language does have its share of spelling and pronunciation problems - but without some of these obstacles, we would not have our everyday humorous misunderstandings]

English and the high ground.

Of all known languages, English is the only one to be spoken on the moon.

13/ Furthermore, not only do over 400 million people throughout the world speak and write English, but because it is also used widely by the international traveler - particularly all airline pilots, English is perhaps the most useful means of understanding "alphanumerical ideas" among human beings.

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