spiritofatlantis.com | Duane K. McCullough

Elemental Salts and the Human Body.
There exist about twelve "cell salts" within the normal human body. First recognized by a Dr. Schuessler nearly 120 years ago, these salts, less water, constitute the chemical makeup of our bodies. Salts are made when base metal elements bond with acidic non-metallic elements. One of the most common is sodium-chloride (sodium / base metal + clorine / acidic non-metal = salt).

The twelve tissue -salts are:
Calcium Fluoride (Elastic tissue builder)
Calicum Phosphate (General nutrient)
Calcium Sulphate (Blood purifier)
Ferric Phosphate (Oxygen carrier)
Potassium Chloride (Blood conditioner)
Potassium Phosphate (Nerve nutrient)
Potassium Sulphate (Oxygen exchanger)
Magnesium Phosphate (Nerve stabilizer)
Sodium Chloride (Water distributor)
Sodium Phosphate (Acid neutrilizer)
Sodium Sulphate (Excess water eleminator)
Silicic Oxide (Blood cleanser)

The body is also exposed to other elemental salts. If certain elements can cause abnormal negative behavior - like lead and mercury, then certain elements may also result in beyond normal positive behavior - like the nobel elements of gold, silver and platinum.

Volume 4: Anthropological Revelations
Chapter 1: The Elements of Longevity

1/ The conventional concept that all living things of nature are either animal, vegetable or mineral in design is now being challenged by a new perspective in which all life itself is either simple or complicated mineral life.

2/ This new perspective advocates that even human life is essentially a complicated form of mineral life.
(The word "mineral" evolved from the concept of "mining metals" - in which the word "metals" are elemental substances that conduct molecular activity)

3/ However, the idea that human life evolved from simpler forms of mineral life does not explain the enormous psychological gap between the human primate and other primates on this planet.

4/ In other words, what special extraordinary metamorphic event in history contributed to this enormous psychological gap between Homo-Saipens and earlier human-like animals?

Human evolutionary stages and the Homo Sapient species of Modern Man.

Conventional anthropological literature is based on the idea that the use of fire and tool-making is what makes men out of other primates - however, the idea of matching archeological evidence with paleontological concepts has resulted in a mix bag of theoretical perspectives as to where and when the Homo Sapient species began. Conventional anthropological literature also excludes the possibility that Modern Cro-Magnon Man may have evolved from a primate species in the New World and migrated to the Old World. The human ability to be "wise" was when people began to create not only tools or fire, but to record historical pictographic events on the walls of caves for future use.

5/ To answer this question, we should examine the main differences between "Early Man" and "Modern Man".

6/ "Early Man", otherwise known as Neanderthal Man of Afro-Eurasia, was superseded by "Modern Man", otherwise known as Cro-Magnon Man, approximately forty-thousand years ago because Cro-Magnon Man was born with a greater brain size which allowed more "memory space" to remember thoughts about better hygienic habits - resulting in a healthier lifestyle that outlasted the unhealthier lifestyle of Neanderthal Man.
(Neanderthal Man, which is found nowhere in the New World, may have evolved from the Australopithicus primate)

7/ As to when and where Modern Man - or Homo Sapiens, became "humans with special wisdom", perhaps about ten-thousand years ago a special diet from a certain region promoted an even more unique type of human - known as Homo-Sapiens Sapiens.
(Some conventional textbooks regard the term "Homo-Sapiens" as being early man from before forty-thousand years ago because the knowledge of "fire-making" is sometimes found at certain sites dated over one-hundred thousand years ago - however, the term "Sapiens" repeated twice stresses the concept "wise man", and the best concept of "wisdom" is not "fire-making" - or just tool making, but rather the art of planning for the future, which began extensively when farming began in the Neolithic Age - about ten-thousand years ago)
[According to a book entitled: American Genesis, archeologist have recovered approximately twice as many Cro-Magnon skulls, projectile points, bone tools and grinding devices from the New World than from the Old World]

8/ Before we explore how and where Modern Man came about, we should first understand the unique chemistry that causes simple "mineral life" within all beings to evolve into more complicated forms.

9/ Regarding the "more complicated form of mineral life", all animals have "mutated" from earlier forms by way of a phenomenon called "Animal Transformation".

Mammalian evolution and the hand-bone design.

Conventional studies regarding the evolution of mammals advocate that whales evolved from tree-shrews because the first animal with mammary glands were small land creatures like tree-shrews with hands which needed to support their weight aganist gravity. However, perhaps the first mammal was a two-arm amphibian salamander-like animal that evolved into several warm blooded animals - which in turn, became both land mammals and sea mammals millions of years ago.

10/ An example of "Animal Transformation" can be found in the evolutionary situation whereby the natural diet of the herbivorous sirenian mammal known as the manatee or "sea-cow" once included a genetic alterable substance within freshwater lily-bulbs that is chemically similar to the alkaloid known as "colchicine", which resulted in offspring that further evolved into the now extinct beaver-like land sloth of North America, known as "Megatheres", by way of an otter-like sea mammal called "Paleoparadoxia".
(The alkaloid "colchicine" interferes with the separation of nuclei in cell division whereby the resulting cells have chromosome numbers that are multiples of species number)
[Paleoparadoxia had the paradoxical anatomy of a carnivorous sea-lion and a herbivorous sirenia]

1/ In other words, there exist certain biochemical substances in nature that, when properly ingested by key plants or animals, promote the development of new genera from different breeding species - providing the parent species have chromosomes which share the same multiple factors.

12/ With this thought in mind, it becomes possible to theorize that sirenian mammals may represent an important link in mammalian evolution.
(There are certain two-arm amphibian salamanders, known as sirens, which are genetically related to many other species of aquatic animals, such as frogs, that have adapted to living on the land, such as toads)

13/ However, according to conventional evolutionary science, the sirenian mammals, like their aquatic cetacean cousins, the whales and porpoises, evolved from a "tree-shrew" like mammal that lived on land and became aquatic only after finding a better life back in the oceans.
(The idea that "whales" evolved from "tree-shrews" is based on the assumption that because the hand of all mammals was born from the need to "hold against gravity", and because the simple anatomy of the mammalian shrew included what, to some paleontologist, was the first "hand" design of any animal with mammary glands)

14/ Contrary to this conventional assumption is the revelation that the beaver-tail sirenia - with its mammary glands under its hand-like flipper-arms, was probably the common ancestor to many warm-blooded mammals that now walk on land - or swim the oceans.

15/ Although the buck-tooth beaver of the northern regions and the side-tooth sirenia of the tropical regions appear to be little related in size, except for the proportional shape of their paddle-like tails, it is interesting to note that both mammals inhabit an aquatic environment in which the process associated with "flexible evolution" is more likely to take place and promote the growth of new species of animal life.

16/ Moreover, to realize beavers are the only animal on earth, other than man, that cut down trees to build dams, suggest a kind of "cousin connection" between man and the beaver.

17/ Another "cousin connection" between man and animal is that the sirenia's nearest land relative is the elephant - and the elephant is known for its incredible mental ability to remember spoken instructions and visual gestures - much like the human mental ability to remember ideas and thoughts.

18/ So if the first mammals were aquatic animals like the manatee - who nursed their young from mammary glands located under their flipper-like arms, then perhaps the "missing link" between mammals and other animals could be the sirenian species of aquatic life.
(One theory is that the mammary gland evolved from a "sweat" gland, which would suggest that the sirenian arm-pit teat was originally used to excrete excess "nutrients")
[It is recorded that nearly 25% of all mammals are of the bat species - and bats, some of which are related to the primates, have a flipper-like wing and a sonar directional method of navigation that is similar to porpoises and whales]

19/ Regarding the ideas of how and where on earth modern man evolved from earlier primate beings, let us turn to a unique region wherein the chemistry of "Animal Transformation" may have been prevalent.

20/ First, there exist many places where Early Man may have originated from, but perhaps no better place could exist for the origin of Modern Man than in the western Caribbean Basin.
(It is interesting to note that, like the fork-tail sirenias of the Old World, known as Dugongs, and the beaver-tail sirenias of the New World, known as Manatees, Early Man and Modern Man may have evolved in different environments but retained the same basic anatomy)

According to conventional Greco-Roman mythology, the Hesperian Heavens could be found in the "far western realm" - where the daughters of Atlas grew "the golden apples of youth" in a wondrous garden that was protected by a dragon-like apparition.

If Atlas, the Titan seafarer and grandson of Oceanus, was ever a real person that lived in a garden seaport located in the western Caribbean Sea on a unstable fault-line, then perhaps Plato's sea-story about a lost place in the western Atlantic named Atlantis is a true account of our maritime heritage.

21/ The reason why the western Caribbean Basin is chemically unique from other regions of earth is that it lies between two of the largest oceans and also geographically retains a wide range of chemical elements which are constantly being "recycled" by the mantle forces of where the Caribbean Plate, the North American Plate, and the Pacific Plate meet.

22/ Before we focus on the chemistry of this unique region, we should study how certain chemical elements of the periodical table are responsible for the way we, as humans, look, the way we act, and the way we think.

23/ The first set of chemicals that affect the way humans look are the elements of the soil and sea - for example; The white pigment of titanium, found in the colder latitudes and "packaged" by vegetables such as potatoes, may account for the Caucasian version of humans - while on the other hand, the high copper, chromium and molybdenum content of some African soils, may have prevented the genetic absorption of organic titanium, thus resulting in the melanistic Negroid variety of humans.

24/ As for the red-headed peoples, the same element that gives the red color to automotive taillights - amorphous selenium, may have played a notable role in the metabolic diet of early man.

25/ The region of eastern Asia and its sulfurous soils may be responsible for the "yellow" version of humans.

26/ A high diet of food containing cobalt could have created people with extremely blue eyes.

27/ Consumption of seafood that contained large doses of iodine may have resulted in a dark-haired version of maritime man.

28/ Calcium and fluorine, together with phosphorus, if assimilated properly in the body, can produce flexible bones which may have created a larger class of human being.

Anthropology is the scientific study of humankind. In most any scientific study, the modern Periodic Chart of the Elements can be used to help explain theoretical views as to the origins and workings of our universe. Like a major "spice-rack", this chart is essential in cooking up theories by scientist who want to better understand the many substances of nature and how they relate with each other.

29/ What ever and where ever the case, the same elements which can be found in the environment of a particular region could have contributed to a particular version of human.

30/ We are not only what we eat, but the way we act can be traced to certain elements which are gradually absorbed from the environment - for example; Ignorance of lead poisoning has resulted in wars, collapsed empires and even the general undermining of governmental authority - such as the negative behavior of pirates who drank lead contaminated alcoholic beverages from utensils made from lead-based pewter.

31/ The term "mad as a hatter" originated from a time when hat makers, who used large amounts of metallic mercury in their work, were known to have "gone mad" after a short career in hat making.

32/ And even today, large doses of the "light metal" - aluminum is believed to cause senility and insanity.

33/ If certain natural elements can cause negative behavior, then could other certain natural elements result in positive behavior?

34/ If so, then let us return again to the western Caribbean Basin where certain special elements of the environment may have contributed to a special class of human.

Return to the Volume 4