spiritofatlantis.com | Duane K. McCullough

Direction of natural pathways and migratory routes.

Although the subject of Atlantis is primarily a seafaring story about our trans-Atlantic maritime heritage, it is also a topic about nautical migrations and how our New World ancestors colonized the shores of eastern and southern Asia by sailing across the Pacific Ocean.

Chapter 2: Follow the Sun

1/ Every since the "New World" was found by seafarers from the "Old World", historians have consistently under estimated the cultural achievements of American human history, for example: Anthropologist have assumed for many generations that the native human inhabitants of the New World came from the Old World by walking across the ice near the Bering Sea during the last ice age because the mongol features found in both the "older" East Asian region and the "newer" New World natives are similar - therefore, according to conventional calendrical history, American human history - and any creative artwork, evolved from Old World "oriental" history.
(The fact that mongoliod features are found in humans throughout the Pacific Realm does not necessarily mean that they, as a separate "variety" of humans, originated within East Asia)

2/ Is it possible that the mongol race of humans originated in the New World and nautically ventured across the Pacific Ocean to the Orient - via Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Indonesia?
(Much of early anthropological literature is written from a land-lubber's perspective - which consisently undermines the nautical achievements of ancient maritime cultures, such as the seafaring ability to voyage over vast distances)

3/ Only now are professional historians beginning to realize the navigational skill of the trans-Pacific native and their remarkable seafaring abilities.

4/ With their fast multi-hull canoes, some of which were over sixty feet in length, they sailed the waters of the Pacific Ocean almost as if it were an inland sea.
(A crew member aboard Captain Cook's ship in the Pacific once documented certain native canoes were so fast that they sailed rings around Cook's ship while they were traveling at eight knots "with the same ease as if we were at anchor")

Sailing west across the Pacific Ocean.

With speeds as fast as modern sailboats, ancient Pacific Proas and catamarans, once sailed vast distances between Pacific Islands.

5/ Both the Tahitian catamaran and the Polynesian/Malaysian "flying proa" employed a mast and sail configuration almost identical to the Phoenician lateen rig.
(Imagine the primordial desire of the Pacific mariner to sail toward the setting sun to satisfy the human curiosity of where the sun goes every day, and realize how easy it is to understand the western "down-wind" migratory path of island hopping across the Pacific Ocean)

6/ Even the successful Kon-Tiki expedition led by Thor Heyerdahl proved that New World natives were capable of "drift sailing" to Polynesia aboard balsa rafts with simple square sails.

The Trans-Pacific Connection.

If one compares the pre-Columbian artwork of Middle America with ancient Oriental artwork, it becomes apparent that the style of certain items are almost identical - therefore, because the major navigable currents of the tropical Pacific run from the New World to the Old World, perhaps much of the cultural history of the Orient is based on ancient stories from the New World continent of Atlantis.

7/ It is very likely that since the prevailing wind and water currents of the tropical Pacific Ocean run from east to west, prehistoric natives sailed from Middle America to the orient long before any oriental sailors were capable of reaching the New World by way of the north Pacific realm.
(There is growing evidence that a fleet of Sino-Korean ships "discovered" the New World and influenced the Nahuatlan culture of the Zapotec and Toltec tribes - in fact, the Yen-Yang symbol (also known as the Tai-ki ideogram), which is found on the Korean flag, has also been discovered in stone at the Mayan site of Copan, Honduras)
[Since the Yen-Yang symbol looks very much like the "hurricane symbol" found carved on rocks in places such as Cuba, perhaps the "great one-legged wind-god" of the Toltecs, known as "Jurakan", and the ancient Sino-sailors of Korea or Japan were somehow related]

8/ Perhaps much of the art and science associated with oriental Asia can be traced to prehistoric Middle America - perhaps sun following sailors from the New World brought to oriental Asia certain social customs and religious beliefs, like the Buddha system of philosophy and ethics.
(There exists an "interesting coincidence" in which the mother of Gautama Buddha was known as Maya, and the first name given to the Mayan region of Middle America was "Guatemala")

9/ Could the Mayan culture have anything to do with the building of an ancient shrine at Miya-Jima near Hiroshima in what is now Japan?
(The Miya-Jima shrine is dated to the same time period in which Sino-seafarers embarked to the east in "junk ships" to answer tales of treasure "beyond the sunrise")

10/ Is it merely a "numerical coincidence" that the Mayan counting system and the Indo-Oriental counting device, known as the Abacus, share the same quintuplet unit value of five when calculating "bars" and "beads"?
(According to early mathematical concepts among ancient cultures, the unit value of the number "0" (zero) was known by Mayan mathematicians centuries before it was ever realized by any Old World merchants)
[Regge music is also based on a syncopated five-tone number scale and is found throughout many ancient maritime cultures - particularity on the Caribbean isle of Jamaica]

11/ Another prehistoric trans-Pacific "coincidence" can be found by comparing the similarity of an ideographic alphabet from Easter Island in the southern Pacific to that of a character script system found "down-stream" in the Indus Valley of India - wherein the vowel letters of "I,O and U" exist adjacent to a human figurine holding the symbol.

According to conventional Greco-Roman mythology, the Hesperian Heavens could be found in the "far western realm" - where the daughters of Atlas grew "the golden apples of youth" in a wondrous garden that was protected by a dragon-like apparition.

If Atlas, the Titan seafarer and grandson of Oceanus, was ever a real person that lived in a garden seaport located in the western Caribbean Sea on a unstable fault-line, then perhaps Plato's sea-story about a lost place in the western Atlantic named Atlantis is a true account of our maritime heritage.

12/ Is it possible that the Sumerians of the Middle East were the cultural result of sailors from the New World who sailed long ago the summer winds across both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans only to meet each other half way around the globe on what is now the Arabian peninsula?
(While the Mesopotamia in the Middle East may represent the "Cradle of Civilization" - the Caribbean Basin of the New World can be considered the "Crib of Humanity")

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