Chevron symbol of the Allies
This map shows the possible "Atlantean sphere of influence" as it may have existed before the
Biblical Flood of "40 days and 40 nights" - caused by "Comet Phaethon".
Also explained is how the Egyptian and Babylonian governments could have once been colonies of the
Atlantean maritime kingdom based in the New World.
Moreover, because the ten kingdoms of the Atlantean Maritime Kingdom layed the foundation of the Latin alphabet/language,
the origin of the word "latin" may be based on "the ten" or the "The Ten Kings" of Atlantis.
1/ Now that we better understand the evolutionary makeup of the English alphabet, we should quickly review and trace how this paragraphic communication system of Western Society originated from an alliance of Atlantic and Mediterranean maritime kingdoms.
2/ First, we learned that a little known maritime culture of the north Atlantic realm called the "Armoricans" (or Aremoricans) developed a binary form of alphanumerical "log literature" known as "Ogam" (or Ogham) from native American communication techniques, and that when the Phoenicians applied this vowel based alphabet to popular graphic symbols, they created the easier to remember "phono-pictographic" alphabet known as Latin.
3/ Second, we also learned that as this paragraphical method of "Latinized" Ogam was evolving into the English version, other cultures of the the Old World developed their own paragraphic alphabets.
4/ So, by reexamining this migratory Atlantean adventure - and by reevaluating the origins of not only Western Society, but Eastern cultures of the Orient, can we better understand global human history.