spiritofatlantis.com | Duane K. McCullough

Central American Plate Tectonics and Atlantis.

Because a major fault line runs through Central America - and because our ancestors once built a major "capital trade city" on it, when the Comet Phaethon event caused global earthquakes and Biblical flooding, the city of Atlantis was engulfed under tons of mud and lost in time.

Chapter 9: Plato's Plateau

1/ Before we examine the area around this antediluvian seaport, let me say that the title of this chapter was originally based on the concept in which the seaport of Atlantis was thought to be located on a submerged plateau in the western Caribbean Sea.

2/ The first area of search was a vast underwater plateau off the coast of Nicaragua that stretched almost to the island of Jamaica - however, after reviewing some measurement data, the submerged plateau out from Belize seemed to make more sense.
(Although the country of Nicaragua was reputed to be named in honor of an Indian king known as "Nico" and his aquatic realm (water-man = Managua = Nicaragua's capital), it is interesting to note that the word "nico", when spelled backwards asserts the word "ocin" - and "ocin" or "ocean" was the short term for the ancient god of the sea and eldest of the Titans called Oceanus, who's realm included all the waters beyond the Greek world)

Gif image of Lake Izabal area

Lake Izabal Area

3/ Now that newer data has placed Plato's story of the Atlantean seaport and surrounding plain in between a range of Guatemalan mountains, Plato's "plateau" is now, according to the proper definition of the word "plateau", a plain or a flat swampy valley that sits directly on the fault line which separates the North American Plate from the Caribbean Plate in Central America.
(For those not familiar with "plate tectonics", the earth's crust consists of many overlapping and dividing plates of aggregate rock which float on a magmatic spherical sea of molten iron, nickel and cobalt)
[The Cayman Trough is a name given to the area just south of the Cayman Islands wherein an underwater volcanic "crack" between the North American Plate and the Caribbean Plate is centered and runs from just north of the island of Puerto Rico through and between the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola passing just under the Cayman Islands all the way into the Gulf of Honduras and Guatemala]

4/ This plain, according to Plato, was described as "protected" from cold northerly winds by a range of mountains and that anyone sailing the coast of the Atlantean realm could visit the seaport by sailing in from the sea.

5/ One of the greatest clues as to the location of this elusive seaport and its adjacent agricultural plain can be found in 118.A of the CRITIAS dialogue: The plain itself was smooth, level and of a generally oblong shape; it stretched for 3000 stadia in one direction, and, at its center, for 2000 inland from the coast - however, after striking a zero from these measurements because of Greek to Latin translation (wherein the "G" symbol of a 1000 equals the "C" symbol of 100), this plain measured only 300 by 200 stadias - or only 15 by 10 nautical miles wide.
(Remember, one stadia equals 304 feet or about 100 yards)

6/ So if this area exist onshore within a region that is currently "occupied" by people, why has no one stumbled upon it and reported this remarkable prehistoric seaport in the jungle before now?

7/ Why has this realm never revealed any signs or clues that would have proven the existence of Atlantis?

8/ Is it because the region was so devastated by a "cometary conflagration" so long ago that, to this day, no one has imagined to look for a place which, according to conventional science, does not even exist?

9/ Is it because that in the aftermath of this "cometary conflagration", the seaport was further destroyed by centuries of earthquakes and now lies under many layers of swampy mud which, even today, can not be walked on?
(The same year that Comet "West" gave a spectacular early morning show for nearly a week, one of the largest earthquakes in Central American history, measuring 7.5 on the Richter Scale, was focused only a couple miles from this swampy plain)

10/ What is meant by the term "cometary conflagration" anyway?

The celestial hurricane of Comet Phaethon.

According to Plato: "There is a story....that once upon a time Phaethon, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burned up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt. Now this has a form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth which recurs after long intervals."
- TIMAEUS Dialogue / 22.c,d

After colliding with the sun's corona and causing a major solar flare, the "chemical vapor" of some comets may react with the earth's upper atmosphere and cause a "cascade reaction" with the ozone layer which would rapidly melt the icecaps. The ensuing action could cause global earthquakes and floods - like was mentioned in the Holy Bible.

11/ If we analyze the chemical makeup of a comet and compare it to the chemical structure of earth's atmosphere and oceans, we will find that a "close encounter" between a large comet would probably result in a stratospheric fire with earthquakes - followed by a long period of rain.
(Comets are generally believed to consist of mostly frozen hydrogen and oxygen (ice) with trace minerals, that when orbiting close to the sun become luminescent because of the ionic radiant pressure emanating from the sun)
[The chances of an encounter between the earth and a comet are truly unknown because, although it is believed that the dinosaurs were killed off by a comet or asteroid some 65-million years ago - and perhaps one struck Siberia earlier in the 20th century, little conventional data exists for that "rouge" comet which follows no time table to draft a percent scale]

12/ Moreover, imagine the geological significance if glaciated water from the earth's "ice ages" could be traced to the occasional visit of a cometary "snowball" from deep space!

13/ And also imagine that if the "water" of a comet can cause an "ice age", then perhaps the celestial moisture of a relatively recent encounter with a comet engulfed the world and "washed away" all major maritime cultures - resulting in such stories as the Biblical "flood" and Plato's antediluvian story about Atlantis.
[UPDATE 12/97: New astrophysical data suggest that comets can cause solar distrubances that can cause planetary atmospheric storms. Perhaps the Biblical "flood" was the result of a large rogue comet that hit not the Earth -- but the Sun, because it is a much larger target than the Earth. Such an encounter -- if large enough, could caused much of the polar ice-caps to rapidly melt and flood the atmosphere with rain for "40-days and 40-nights".]

14/ If the Titan world of Atlantis - that is to say the seaport, the island continent and the maritime kingdom, was sunk by an "ice-berg" from space, what kind of treasures could possibly be recovered from within this forgotten realm?
(It is a truly interesting coincidence in nature when one compares the engulfing story of how the Titan kingdom of Atlantis was destroyed by "ice from space" and the sinking of the greatest ship of her time, the Titanic, sunk by an ice-berg on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean)

15/ The chances of finding any treasure items would probably be very small considering the tropical erosion factor of nearly a thousand years, not to mention the other aforesaid destructive factors - however, by exploring our local library or bookstore, and by applying some imagination, we can discover some of the real treasures from the Atlantean age!

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